Ladrien: Cuddling(9)

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The story was a long one.

To simply say “boy and girl snuggled together by the fire” may have evoked a simple vision of a holiday romance.

But really it was brought on by a photoshoot that Boy was resigned to go to. A photoshoot that had already been rescheduled three times during the holiday season and therefore caused massive stress among those who had been rescheduled.

And stress and holidays in a modern-day Paris could only mean akumas.

Which caused stress on our aforementioned Boy and Girl.

After three hours of chaos and calamity, an overworked cat-boy ran off while an exhausted bug-girl tripped over her yo-yo in her escape, trapping her long enough for Boy to run into her.

“You look like you could use a little help.”

“Honestly… would be nice.”

But that was only the beginning.

Because Bug-girl knew Boy was overworked, and Boy knew Bug-girl was exhausted. And since each deeply cared for the other even beyond the feelings that made their little hearts race and flutter wildly, each wanted to do something to care for the other during this chaotic holiday season. How they ended up spending more time together after the “great yo-yo detanglement” involved a great deal of awkward stuttering and blushing: standard for the awkward teenagers said Boy and Girl were.

What had initially intended to be a little hot chocolate get together eventually turned into a pleasant chat. One where exhausted Bug-girl ran her mouth too long and admitted to Boy that maybe she liked him a little more than he’d ever thought. Which lead to Boy admitting his feelings, too.

Which ultimately lead to Boy and Girl’s holiday romance.

“Hey, Adrien,” Girl said, slowly lacing her fingers with the fine pianist fingers Boy possessed.

“Yes, bugaboo?” Boy commented, turning his hand so he could hold the strong, nimble hands of a creator this girl had.

“Doesn’t it ever embarrass you how we met?”

“No, why would it?”

“Because… Ladybug is supposed to be this cool, unshakable figure, and yet she needed your help to untangle her yo-yo.”

Boy scoffed as if he’d just heard the sky was green and the ocean was red. “Come on, all your little imperfections are some of my favorite parts about you. Because you prove that someone who isn’t perfect and makes mistakes can be one of the most amazing and powerful people in the world.”

Upon seeing the blush on Girl’s cheeks, Boy couldn’t help but cuddle her closer, pulling her right against his chest and holding her there. “You are amazing, flaws and all. And I feel pretty lucky to have you.”

Poor blushing Girl couldn’t retort to that and simply settled against Boy’s chest, happy in her position in his life that only she got to hold, even if it was only one she could hold while hidden away under the secrecy the night granted them.

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