Marichat: snow storm(7)

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It wasn’t often that a blizzard warning hit Paris. But Marinette thought it best to heed that advice and head straight home after visiting with Alya for the day.

However, it seemed like while she exercised good judgement, a certain stupid cat didn’t.

And the only reason she even found that out was her happening to hear a crash on her deck the moment she got home.

Carefully, she checked outside, only to see a black figure standing motionless in the onslaught of snow.


The figure turned around, his expression melancholy before he pasted on a fake smile. “Princess! Why hello—”

“What the heck are you doing out here?”

Chat startled at her sudden shout. It wasn’t her fault. He was the one standing out there in a snow storm like an idiot.

“Well, I…” He scrambled for a response, but once again, that fake smile stretched across his face. “Maybe you should get inside, princess. It’s cold out here.”

She sighed, not remotely in the mood for playing this game. With a flat look, she wagged her finger in a “get your belt tail over here right this instant” motion.

He realized too late the consequence of complying was.

In a flash, Marinette wrapped her arm around his neck and forcibly yanked him into her room. He ended up flat on his back on her bed while she hovered over him, closing and locking the hatch behind her.

“You have five seconds to tell me just why you were standing out there in the middle of a snow storm,” she snipped, watching as Chat’s surprise only grew. “And it better be a good reason because otherwise, you’ll have to face punishment.”

He floundered for an excuse.

“One,” Marinette began.

His cheeks suddenly grew pinker.


“You’re serious?”

“You better believe it. Four.”

“What happened to three?!”

“Five. Time’s up.”

“No fair!”

“Plenty fair. You had the chance to start explaining, and you didn’t. Now, you get to face the consequences.”

He sighed, all joy leaving his expression and leaving nothing but complete exhaustion in its wake. “Fine. What do I owe the princess?”

At that sudden change in her precious kitty, Marinette’s heart couldn’t help but soften. He didn’t just look physically exhausted; he looked like he could start crying.

With a sigh, she gently took his cheeks in her hands. “You’re so cold, Chat,” she said. Rubbing his cheeks with her hands. “How long were you standing out there.”

He shrugged for an answer.

“Hold on. Stay put.”

“All right.”

She scrambled off her bed to collect a heavy blanket, returning to drape it over his shoulders. “Do you want some tea or hot chocolate maybe? It will warm you up. And then I really would like to know what’s got Paris’ favorite superhero so down.”

“Second favorite,” he muttered. “Second in everything.”

Those last words were barely audible, but Marinette still caught them. “Okay, you stay put, and I’ll bring up hot chocolate and cookies. After all, you’re gonna need all the strength you can muster to try to argue how either of those statements are remotely true.”

Marinette gave him a smug grin, to which a tired one flashed across his lips for all of a second or two. “Sounds like a plan, princess. Thanks.”

She pet his head, partly to soothe him, and partly to dust the snow from it. “Anything for you, kitty.”

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