Chapter 1

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Trent loved to dream, especially when it was like the one he was having tonight. Trent was in his own room, in his own bed but he was not alone. Be neath him was another person, whom he was thrusting into. Both were naked, sweaty and moaned out of pleasure. "Oh yea" Trent said has he thrusted into the other body. The smell of sweat and sex filled his nostrils. His body ache and his muscles were on fire. But he didn't want to stop. He could hear the his partner groan every time he pushed himself in. Suddenly, he felt the climax coming. "I'm gonna....I'm gonna..." he open his mouth to let out a groan but instead another sound came out.

"BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!" Trent sat right up. His mind was racing. He had no idea what was going on. He then realized the horrific noise was coming from his alarm clock on the night stand. Trent hit a button and the clock was silenced. "Damn" he thought "It always goes off at the best part of the dream." Trent looked at the time. It was 6:15. "Well if I don't get up now, I'll have to wait an hour to get into the bathroom." Trent stretched and then climbed out of his bed and made his way to the bathroom.

All through his daily routine, Trent though about the dream. This wasn't the first time he had a dream like this but he always felt tingly when he had them. He began style his black hair with hair gel and his emerald green eyes stared at his reflection. He began to think of the person who was under him and became lost in a trance of his own thoughts. Even though it was a dream, Trent could feel the softness in their skin. He could smell the sweat that mixed with the smell of fresh pine, their natural scent. He could feel heat coming from their body. But his favorite part was the sounds they made. The groans, grunts and moans they made out of pleasure. Thinking of the noises sent a shiver up Trent's spin. Suddenly a violent knock startled Trent and made him lose his train of thought. He opened the door to see his twin sister standing outside. Her black hair up in a messy bun and she was dressed in a faded yellow t-shirt and white sweats."Trent, what the hell is taking you so long!" She snarled at him "I've been waiting here for 20 minutes." "Geez Heather calm down." Trent said "I'm basically done" "Then get out." She said " I need to get in there and make myself look at least decent for school" "Well that takes a lot of work and you may not have time for that" Tent said with a smirk. Heather squinted her charcoal gray, almond shaped eyes and gave her brother a piecing look. She grabbed her brothers shirt, pulled him out of the bathroom, walked past him and slammed the door behind her. "Man" Trent said to himself "She's such a bitch in the morning. Then again she's a bitch all the time." Trent snickered and began his way back to his bedroom.


Trent went downstairs about half an hour later and made his way to the kitchen. He found his dad sitting at the table reading the news paper and his four year old munching on a bowl of Cheerios. His step mother was washing a plate in the sink. "Morning dad. Morning Emily." Trent said as he walk in. "Morning" they both said in unison. Trent walked over to his little sister. "Good morning Gracie" he said as he ruffled her brown hair. Grace giggled. "Guess what Twent, we are leawned about planes yesterday in preschool." "Really! That's so cool!" Trent said to humor the toddler. He grab each of her arms and moved her around. "Air plain Grace ready to land." Trent said and made a vibrating sound with his lips. Grace began laughing hard. Their father watched and smiled at them. "Alright you two,that's enough." Emily said with a laugh "Grace finish up. You have to be at grandma Ann's at 7:30." Grace went back to eating her cereal and Trent to the bread box and pulled out a beagle.

As Trent let the beagle toast, he watched his step mother pour mor coffee into his dads cup. He then looked at Grace and was surprised how much she looked like Emily. Both had dark brown hair and huge brown eyes. Trent looked liked his father. They both had emerald green eyes and the same shade of black hair but his dad had some gray on his sideburns.

Heather then walked into the kitchen. "Morning mom. Morning dad." Again they said morning and their dad looked at the clock. "Oh, I have to go." He said. He kissed his wife and daughters on the cheek, gave Trent a pat on the back and walked out the door. Emily walked over and picked Grace up. "I'm going to get her dressed. Oh by the way your aunt Maria called and left a message." Once she left, the toaster went off and Tent pulled it out, buttered it and began eating. "What do you think she wants?" Heather said has she pulled a yogurt out of the fridge. "Don't know." Trent said "Play the message." Heather went to the counter where the portable phone and its charger was. She pressed a button and the message started. "Hi kids, it's your aunt Maria and just wanted to say how grown up you guys look in your school photos." Heather rolled her eyes and began eating her yogurt as the message continued. "Trent, you're starting to look like a man and you are getting so handsome. All the girls must be after you." Heather made a fake gauging movement and Trent laughed. "And you Heather, you are so beautiful. You looked just like you're mother when she-" In a quick movement Heather dropped the half eaten yogurt and her spoon. The noise of it hitting the white tile floor startled Trent. Heather turned off the machine and turned her back to her brother. Trent could see she was breathing fast and was shaking. "Heather, you okay?" Trent asked in a worried tone. Heather took in a deep breath and turned around. "Yea I'm fine" she said and made her way to the mess she made. Her facial expression said that she was fine but her eyes said she was upset.

Trent knew why. Heather hated when people said she looked like her mother. Their mom was Japanese and their dad was Greek. The two dominating nationalities gave them different appearances. Trent looked Greek while Heather look Japanese. And it was true that Heather look like her mom, she was a carbon copy of her. The both had the same color hair and eyes and had the same shaped face. But Heather hated her mom since she divorced their dad. She didn't even call her mom. She referred to her as mother and gave the title mom to Emily.

After she cleaned up, she looked at Trent. "Finish up" she said in a flat voice " I don't want to be late." She began to walk out of the kitchen. "Heather wait!" Trent said. Heather stopped in the doorway and turned her head. "Pull up your shirt on your left shoulder. Your birthmark is showing." Heather craned her head and saw that it was down. Her birthmark was shaped like the country Greece. Both Trent and her had it but it was special to Heather. It was the only thing that reminded her she wasn't exactly like her mother. She pulled up her shirt and smiled at Trent. He smiled back and watched her leave. "She may be a bitch" he thought to himself "but she doesn't have a stone heart." He sat back down and continued to eat his beagle

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