Chapter 3

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North Kingston Regional High wasn't much to look at. It was an old gray stone building that contained roughly 650 students. A sign out front read "Welcome to North Kingston Regional High School,home of the Raging Grizzly Bears." The parking lot was filled with cars and students talked and walked around the building before the first bell. It was unusually warm weather for mid September in Muskoka but no one was complaining.

When Al, Noah, and Courtney finally arrived, their friends were at there usual meeting place. While Al and Noah went towards them, Courtney went to the opposite direction. Both of the boys girlfriends, Heather and Katie, chattered away while Duncan and Trent kicked a soccer ball. Al wrapped his are around Heather. "Hola, chica." He said. She rolled her eyes. "You're late" she said in a flat tone. Al smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Katie gave Noah a tight hug and kissed him on the lips. "We would have been her earlier if we didn't have to wait for someone" Noah said. Al gave him a stern look. "Hey, I know she can be annoying but Courtney is-." "Speak of the devil" Duncan said and every turned to look. Courtney walked by them while holding a blond boys hand. As she walked by, she didn't glance at the others. "Who is she dating this week?" Trent snickered. "Troy Smith, Captain of the basket ball team." Noah said. "Why is she wearing that?" Katie asked. "To make Duncan jealous." Noah said with a smirk. Duncan gave him a cold stare. "Shut up" he said "She broke up with me. Why would she want to make me jealous?" Al sighed "Who knows." "Anyway" Heather said to change the subject "Katie, did you set the dates for the cheerleader additions?" "Yup! Oh and you're gonna love the routine!" The two couples began a new conversation while the boys continued their game. "Hey" Trent said to Duncan "Will you come to the locker room with me? I want to put the ball away before the bell rings." Duncan shrugged "Sure". Trent picked up the ball and the boys began to walk away from the group.

When the boys entered the locker room, Trent immediately looked around. "Good" he thought "No ones here." The boys processed to the back of the locker room where Trent's locker was located. Duncan looked around to pass the time. "So did you do the math homework?" Duncan asked with his back turned "I didn't understand number-." Suddenly Trent pushed him against the lockers and kissed him hard. Duncan instantly kissed back and put his arms around Trent to pull him closer. Duncan moaned and run his fingers through the other boy's soft black hair. Trent kept pushing Duncan into the lockers to kiss him harder. Duncan pulled away from Trent to make a much needed breath. "Damn" he said "You're feisty today." Trent gave him a seductive smile. "I've missed you. It feels like I haven't seen you in forever. Even though its really been two weekends." Trent chuckled. Duncan looked down at the floor. "I know. I'm sorry. It's just...there been a lot going on with my dad, my sisters...." "Duncan, babe, I understand." Trent said "You don't have to be sorry." Trent lifted Duncan's chin and began to kiss him again.


Trent and Duncan have been friends since they were born. Trent's father and Duncan's mother were best friends in high school and the boys had an instant connection. Both were there for each through thick and thin. They were there for each other even in their worst days; like when Duncan's father left the family or when Gwen broke up with Trent. Both confided in each other and told each other their secrets. Except one.

The boys were spending Valentines day at Duncan's house. They sat on the couch watching a cheesy love movie and drinking fake wine.

"Man" Duncan said "We're probably the only junior guys who don't have a date." Trent laughed. "Yea" he said "Kind of sucks." Duncan shrugged. "Not really. I don't have Courtney bitching at me anymore." "Yea that's true" Trent said. "I kinda miss spending Valentines day with someone." Trent sighed. "Hey" Duncan said "Don't be upset. You're better off without Gwen. She completely screwed you over." "You're right" Trent looked at Duncan with a smile. "I should forget about her. Plus she moved away. Thanks Duncan." "Well, what are best friends for?" Duncan smirked and took a gulp of the fake wine. The boys sat in silence for a few minutes until Duncan asked "So...who do you like?" Trent was taken a back. He had an answer but he couldn't say it out loud. Especially to Duncan. He shrugged, hoping that would be enough. It wasn't. "Oh come on" Duncan said "There has to be someone." Trent sighed. "Well...there's this guy..." Trent claimed his hand over his mouth. "Oh shit, oh shit..." Trent thought. He couldn't believe he let that slip. Duncan was in a frenzy. "You like a guy? Oh my God Trent! I didn't think of you as the gay type! Who is it?" Trent thought about denying it but it was too late. He took a deep breath and stared at the floor. "I...I like you" Trent said is a quiet voice. Duncan had calmed down. Trent didn't look at him but he assumed Duncan was surprised. "Really?" Duncan asked. Trent nodded his head. "Great" he thought. "I've screwed up." Suddenly Trent felt hands on his face. Duncan pulled Trent to his face. Trent eyes were open with surprise. He couldn't believe what was happening. It didn't seem real. Duncan pulled away and gave Trent a soft look. "I like you too." The boys smiled at each other and continued kissing.


The boys continued to kiss until the first bell rang. Duncan cringed at the sound. "Right when we were getting to the good part." Trent chuckled and gave him one last kiss on the nose. "Come on" Trent said "I don't want to be late." Both boys walked out of the locker room with a smile on their faces.

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