Chapter 2

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Alejandro was becoming impatient. He had been siting the kitchen waiting for his cousin to come down stairs for over 20 minutes now. "Courtney" he yelled "Are you almost ready?" "I'll be ready when I'm ready!" the girl shouted from upstairs. Alejandro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, hurry because Noah will-." Just then the doorbell rang. Before Alejandro could get up from his chair, his mastiff came out from the living room and started running towards the door. Has the dog ran, he bumped a table. The flower vase toppled over and at the last second, Alejandro caught it and placed back on the table. The dog began barking at the door and jumping to see you was here. "Manhattan, down" Alejandro commanded. Instantly the dog obeyed and sat down. Alejandro open the door to see his friend outside. "Hey Noah" Alejandro said as his friend walked in. "Hey. Are you guys ready to go?" "Well I am" Alejandro said " Courtney isn't ready yet." "As usual" Noah grumbled "No matter how much goop she puts on she will always be ugly." "I heard that!" Courtney screamed. "You were supposed to" Noah yelled back. Alejandro chuckled.

Noah and Alejandro have been friends since...well before then were even born. Their fathers were childhood friends and were attached at the hip. Even when Alejandro's father moved back to Spain to start his career in politics, they kept in touch. Both were best man at each others weddings and bought house across from each other.

Both men emigrated from different countries, Noah's father from India and Alejandro's from Spain, at a very young age, but they both settled in

Muskoka, Ontario. Soon there families grew. Alejandro became the eighth child of his family and Noah became the ninth of his. Both were born on the same day although you could never tell by their appearance.

Al was 6'4"while Noah barley reached 5'6". Al was muscular and strong as an ox. Noah was skinny and not very athletic. But even with their differences, they were closer than brothers.

Soon the boys heard the sound of heels clomping down the stairs. "Finally" Al said "What took you-" Al stopped and tried to make sense of what was in front him. Courtney was wearing a deep V-neck and a short skirt. Al looked at Noah for an answer but all he did was roll eyes. Courtney didn't seem to notice. "You guys ready?" She said. She finally looked up and saw the boys staring at her. "What?" "I think you're missing something" Noah said. Courtney look at her self trying find what was missing. "I think your missing your bra" Noah said with a smirk. Alejandro put his and from laughing. Courtney gave him a death stare. "Shut up" she said. She push passed him and went out the door. Al shook his head. "How are you two related?" Noah asked. "I don't know" Al said with sigh. "Come on, lets go. I don't want to be late."

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