Chapter 5

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Duncan paced around the room impatiently. His dog Rocky watched him as he circled the living room.

"Where is he?" Duncan thought, "he was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago."

Usually Duncan wouldn't be this anxious. But this was the first time in weeks he had the house to himself. His deadbeat father cancelled the last two weekends and his mother didn't have any night shifts at the hospital. But tonight would make up for lost time. When he told his mother Trent was sleeping over she casually said "Ok, you boys have fun" as she walked out the door. "Oh we will" Duncan said to himself. His mother knew he was gay but she didn't know Trent was gay. Or he was Duncan's boyfriend.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Rocky's ears perked up as Duncan made his way to the door. When Duncan open the door, Trent was standing there in his leather jacket and Chinese food in his hand. Duncan stood trying act mad.

"You're late."

Trent smiled "Oh stop pouting. It was only 15 minutes. Hurry and let me in before the egg rolls get cold".

Duncan rolled his eyes. "Greeks" he murmured. Trent just chuckled and walked inside.

For a while, the two boys just sat around in Duncan's bedroom and ate Chinese food. They talked and joked and laughed, like friends did. It was almost Impossible to tell they were in a relationship.

"So what do you want to do?" Duncan asked. "We can watch movies, play some video games or-" before he could finish his sentence, Trent pushed him down onto the bed and kissed him. That answered Duncan's question.

The boys lips locked and they began to make out passionately. Their tongues brushed against each other and Trent would bite Duncan's bottom lip, making him moan a bit.

Duncan began to glide his hands up Trent's body. He began to draw circles in the indent of his back and and used his other hand to feel the soft skin of his partner. Trent also began to touch Duncan. Trent moved his hand up the boys shirt and rubbed and lightly pinched his nipples, making the boy moan more. He then began to move his hand downward and rub Duncan's crouch. As he did this, he took off Duncan's spiked collar and kiss his neck. Trent inhaled the pine aroma of Duncan's skin. The scent turned Trent in even more and began to lightly nip his partners neck. Duncan groaned and whispered "yes" repeatedly.

Trent then went under is jeans and grabbed his hard penis. Duncan shivered because the boys hands were cold but soon relaxed when Trent pumped his member. Trent sucked and bit his neck making Duncan groan. Soon the boys threw off all their clothes and laid on the bed naked touching each other.

Trent kissed, sucked and licked up and down Duncan's body. Duncan bit his lip so he would not scream and clutched the sheets of the bed. Trent then sat on his knees and brought Duncan to him. Duncan bent down and began to give Trent a blow job. Trent threw his head backed and moaned as Duncan wrapped his lips around his hard on. Duncan used his tongue to lick up and down and suck the tip. Trent then pushed him down again, wet his index and middle fingers and shoved them into Duncan's anus. Duncan let out a small scream

"If it hurts, I'll stop" Trent said. Duncan shook his head. "I want it" he said.

Trent moved his fingers in a scissoring motion. Duncan's moans became louder and he began to touch himself. Trent then made the move of inserting himself into Duncan. Duncan gasped and breathed heavily as Trent to thrust.

"Yes, yes!" Duncan screamed "oh god more!" Trent pounded into him faster and harder. Trent was taking quick and short breaths and began to sweat. He looked at his boyfriend and saw his mouth was agape with moans and screams of "yes" and "more" coming out. Trent smiled devilishly and grabbed on to the head board to push himself farther into the boy. Duncan stoked his own member and gasped for air.

"Trent" he groaned "I'm....almost...there." Trent was about to agree when he came into Duncan and pulled out with some cum dripping from his penis. A second later, Duncan sighed as he squirted his seed all over Trent's stomach. Both boys were exhausted and were breathing heavily. Trent looked down at Duncan and smiled. He bent down and kissed Duncan sweetly on the lips.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" Duncan said and wrapped his arms around Trent's body and pulled him closer. With one final kiss, Trent laid his head on Duncan's chest and the boys drifted of to sleep.

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