chapter 6

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For the first time in a while, Cody actually got some sleep. It must have been track practice that wore him down. But it was worth it. He was able to compete in the meet next weekend.

When Cody alarm went off at 4:30, he felt rested. For the past few years, Cody had to force himself to get up at this time. He considered staying in bed a few times but he knew if he broke his habit for just one day, he'd struggle to get back on it.

He got up, stretched and made his way to the window. It was still dark but Cody could see the outside clearly. There had been heavy fog for the past few days but now it was gone.

Cody smiled. "Perfect day for a run" he thought.

He changed into his gray sweats and put on his worn running shoes and crept quietly down the stairs. He made his way to the kitchen. He wolfed down a yogurt and took a cold water bottle from the fridge. Cody figured it was cold so he took his knit cap and gloves of the coat rack and headed out the door.

When Cody went out side, he felt a winter's chill immediately. Well technically it wasn't winter. But here in Muskoka, winter is a old friend that stays longer than any other season. It couldn't have been more than 25 degrees but Cody did not shiver. He took a a few deep breaths of the cold breeze. He let the air chill his body. He could feel his cheeks slightly sting and pulse with heat. He exhaled and watched the fog of his breath disappear into atmosphere. He took another breath and began to run.

Running was Cody's passion. It cleared his mind and relieved him of all him stress. For little while he was not part of reality but in his own peaceful world. All he focused on was the long stretch of road, the pumping of his legs and the steady rhythm of his breathing. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest, hear blood rushing threw his head and taste the beads of sweat on his lips. This is where he was the most calm. This was his comfort zone.

When he arrived home, it was almost 6:30. He walked in shut the door quietly and hung up his hat. He began to move slowly towards the stairs.

"Hello dear" his mother said from the kitchen. Cody jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Hey mom, you scared me" he chuckled" what are you doing up so early?" he could see his mother packing a small with sandwiches, drinks, snacks and other items. "Going on a road trip?" he asked.

"Your sister and I are going to take a tour of Montreal University today."

Cody stared at her with wide eyes. "Montreal University? That's over six hours away."

His mother sighed. "I know but this is the only college of convinced her to go see. She only agreed because it's far away. "

"That's not a very good reason" Cody said.

"Well you know your sister-" before she could finish her sentence, Cody heard his sister, Ricky, coming down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and dropped her suitcases on the floor. Cody stared at her and wondered how they could be related. She was very different from Cody with her goth/punk style; her streaked with blood red, multiple piercings on her face and black clothing.

She looked at them both with amusement and boredom. "Are you almost ready to go?" she demanded.

"Almost love!" their mother said trying to be cheerful, "are you excited?"

Ricky rolled her eyes. "Excited to be in a car with you six hours?"

"Hey!" Cody snapped. The woman jumped and looked surprised at Cody. "Don't talk to mom like that. She is sacrificing a a lot to take you to some dumb college where you'll probably won't go to anyway."

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