A Morning Surprise

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3rd Person POV

Kokichi slowly woke up from his slumber. He was officially a young adult. "I can do whatever I want without some boring teachers and professors telling me what to do. I can just lie down, drink Panta and relax." He cheered as he quickly hopped out of bed to get ready for his day.

He had gotten his signature clothes on, including his black and white scarf. Kokichi looked at himself in the mirror and did the finger guns to the mirror. "Hello young adult Kokichi." He grinned. Soon, Kokichi had put his shoes on and started walking towards the door.

He placed a hand on the handle and opened it, only to find a little note and an envelope at the front of his door. He tilted his head, leaning down to grab the piece of paper. "

Dear Oma Kokichi,

We are sorry to inform you that the apartment building is closing and you will have to find another place to stay. We have given back this month's rent that you have previously paid. We wish you the best of luck.

- The Staff

Kokichi immediately frowned. "Are you serious?! Greaat, now I need to find some place to stay." He whined and scrunched the note in his hands. He looked behind him at his rubbish bin and through it inside. He had gotten it in and grinned. "Well, I might as well spend today annoying someone~" He snickered, grabbing his room keys and locking the door behind him as he closed it.

Meanwhile with Kaito

Kaito woke up that morning, a little later then Kokichi. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. He sat up and yawned again, still having sleepy eyes. He lifted his arm and crossed the other with it so he could stretch. "Alright, time to start a new day." He shuffled out if bed getting dressed in his normal clothes as well. He walked into his bathroom and started styling his hair, making it it's normal spiked up hair style.

The astronaut then started brushing his teeth when he heard a knock at the door. Kaito walked out of the bathroom and to his front door, only to open it to a small, purple-haired gremlin. "What do you want Oma?" He sighed with annoyance. He hated the little thing for as long as he could remember. "Hello Kai!" Kokichi used his little cheeky smile. "Don't call me Kai." He said with a pretty annoyed expression.

The gremlin looked at him innocently before crawling passed, entering the astronaut's apartment without his permission. "Hey! Get outta' here!' He yelled, chasing Kokichi around his apartment. "You'll never catch me slow poke!" He stuck his tongue out. The toothbrush Kaito was using to brush his teeth was still in his mouth as he had his hands out to grab the other.

Soon, Kaito had caught up with the other and wrapped his arms around Kokichi's torso. "Aw...you got me.." He pouted. Kokichi then looked up at Kaito's hair and started ruffling it. "You never have your hair down, your style is getting boringg." The gremlin whined. "Hey! Don't touch my hair!" Kaito tried moving his head away from Kokichi's hand. He huffed when he couldn't reach the other's hair and started shuffling out of Kaito's arms.

"What do you want and why are you here!" Kaito yelled, demanding a response. Kokichi sighed, forming his pouty face. "Well...the owner of my apartment building have gone out of business so I need somewhere to stay until I can find a new place!" He grinned, changing his expression immediately. He did the same hand gestures he did in the mirror that morning but to Kaito. "Excuse me? You are NOT living here for whoever knows how long!" Kaito crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Please Kaiii! It won't be for long and I promise I'll behave!" He placed his hands together in a sort of praying fashion and looked up at the other, using the good old puppy dog eyes.

Kaito looked at it and grumbled some insults. "Fine! But you better find a new place as soon as you start living with me!" He pointed at Kokichi, looking at him with an angry stare. "OH THANK YOU KAITO!" He cheered, wrapped his arms around Kaito's neck and started swinging himself. "Hey! Quit it!" The astronaut tried pushing Kokichi away but it actually caused them both to start stumbling and soon, falling.

Kokichi POV

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a little once me and Kaito had fallen over. I looked to see what position we were in and it was one 100% an anime cliche. I had my hands on the sides of my head while he was ontop of me, both his hands on the sides of my hands to stop him from squishing me like a bug ( I am so sorry ). I looked up at him as he started blinking too. For some odd reason, my face began to heat up as I looked at Kaito's big dumb face. My heart was racing as fast as a fucking vibrator. I looked at him with wide eyes as he looked at me back with the same expression.

'Holy shit what do I do in this situation fuck-' I was stressing out. I didn't know what to say- "U-uhh-" Kaito mumbled. I think I can see his cheeks become red. "Aw, look who is turning red!" I smiled with my normal cheeky grin. "Don't do that ever again!" He yelled at me. I just snickered. "But you seem to have like it very much, that's why you are ontop of me." Kai quickly got up, trying to prove he didn't like it of course. "I didn't like it!" He yelled. I could tell that he was embarrassed and he is soo lying to himself. "Whateverr." I replied, sitting up.

Kaito POV

I look over at Kokichi as he was feeling his head. "Ow.." He whimpered. 'I seriously have to take care of a child, don't I?' I sighed in disbelief as I helped the little brat up. "T-thanks Kai!" He tried speaking in his normal tone but it would have been hard since he was injured. "Go get an ice pack from the freezer and give me your apartment keys. I'll get your things." I placed my hand out as he grumbled and handed me the keys. "Be careful! Some of that stuff is REALLY important!" "Whatever." I wasn't listening to be honest. I probably should but I'm sure he'll be fine if I accidentally damage something. 'This is definitely going to be difficult-'

Word Count: 1112

That is it. It took me nearly a week to form my thoughts into words. I'm literally dying since my ankle is busted and I'm just hh. If there are any mistakes let me know because my keyboard keeps auto-correcting to a whole different meaning. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and hopefully I'll be able to put the second chapter soon. Hehe bye bye.


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