Please be okay

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Mika's pov
'MIKA IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE LATE TO SCHOOL YOU NEED TO GET UP NOW!' My mom yelled from downstairs 'COMING' i yelled back. I quickly changed and rushed downstairs, 'Miles is already in the car so eat a sandwich on the way' my mom said while giving me a sandwich.

I rushed to the car and got in 'did you sleep in again?' Miles asked. 'Shut up' i said. I ate my sandwich on the way to SWAG
when we got there bose greeted me happily 'hi Mika!' Bose said 'hi bose' i said right before he dragged me inside 'WOAH bose chill you don't need to drag me' i said right before i tripped and almost fell but bose catched me.
'Woah be careful' bose said before i looked up into his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes,
he noticed i was staring so he looked away and so did i

Bose's pov
I went to my seat when ray bursts in. 'Okay take you're seats and shut up' he said while fixing his hair. Typical ray, always check his hair 'okay lets start with our training' he said still fixing his hair 'uhm ray can you stop fixing you're hair?' Chapa asked 'stop asking questions and start NOW' i jumped a little and Mika noticed 'can you not yell it's disturbing for others' she said 'okay Hermione' ray said sarcastically.

While we were training i suddenly felt a bit light headed i stopped training for a second and helt my my head then Miles asked ' you okay man?' Before i could answer i ran to the bathroom but i didn't know Mika went after me, i went into the bathroom and closed the door but i didn't know it was unlocked. I started coughing and suddenly started coughing up blood 'BOSE ARE YOU OKAY?! Mika asked worried 'I'm fi-' before I could finish my sentence everything went black.

Chapa's pov
AAAAAAH GUYS HELP!!!!! We heard Mika scream from the bathroom and we all rushed to the bathroom to see bose unconscious on the floor and a crying Mika. Miles went to comfort Mika while me and Ray checked if Bose had a pulse, he did have a pulse but lightly. We immediately knew that wasn't good so we rushed him to the hospital and we called Bose's mother.

After a few minutes Bose mother ran in 'where is he?!' She asked, I tried to calm her down and said 'the doctors are checking on him to see what's wrong' but i could see from her face that she knew what was wrong 'do you know what's wrong?' Mika asked 'yes I do' his mother said 'sometimes when he doesn't breath good enough he gets a breathing problem and start to cough very badly and when he coughs so bad he starts coughing up blood I don't know what it exactly is but I know it's not good' she explained. We were all in shock and I could see Mika was about to cry so i went up to her and gave her a hug, that's she started crying very badly.

Miles's pov
As i saw Mika crying on chapa's shoulder the doctor came into the waiting room. We all stayed there looking at her waiting for to say what's wrong 'you're son is going to be okay but you need to be around him when he's at home and you kids need to be around him at school' she explained.

'But why was he coughing so bad?' I asked 'he has a rare disease that not many people have but it never has been here in Swellview before' she said. ' what is it called' Chapa asked 'hemoptysis' she told us. I was shocked and so were the others 'can we see him?' Mika asked 'only one at the time but don't be to loud' she said 'I will go first' Mika said we all agreed since Mika and Bose were pretty close

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