Hip Hop Puree

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Chapa's pov
Miles,Mika and i were at Hip Hop Puree and went to order a drink. We were sitting in silence until Miles broke the silence and said "so Mika how's is it between you and bose?" I looked at Mika and i saw that she didn't want to answer that "Miles don't" I said but he didn't listen. "We are just friends" she replied I could see on her face that it hurted her saying they're just friends "yeah "friends" of course" Miles teased "Miles stop! don't you see she feels uncomfortable?" I said trying to defend Mika
"No i do i just want to know" He replied. I gave mika the 'how is this you're brother' look. She gave me the 'don't ask me' look back and i tried to hold back my laugh after she gave me the look.

Anyways Miles still looked questioning at Mika who i could tell, was getting tired of it "maybe it's better if we go back" I offered "yeah sure" mika replied on our way to the mans nest Miles   whispered to me:"I need to show you something when we get back"he said "uhh okay?" I said. Back at the mans nest Miles pulled me into the closet and showed me a picture of Mika and Bose?! With a heart around it?! "Where did you get that?!" I asked. "I snuck into her room while she was showering last night" he replied. What could i expect? It's miles! He would do that

"do you think this is some kind of joke?" He asked "i don't think so i mean i saw the look on her face when she said she and bose are just friends" i told him "what face?" Miles asked "she looked hurt saying that" i explained "well maybe she does have a crush on him!" He almost yelled "SSSHHH no one needs to hear you!" I said covering his mouth "sorry" he said removing my hand from his mouth "well we need to find out soon" he said before leaving the closet. I shrugged and left the closet to the mans nest where Bose and mika where not looking or talking to eachother. Just completely awkward silence

"soooo what now?" I asked breaking the silence "I don't know" Bose replied "has any of you seen ray or schwoz?" Mika then asked "uhm no actually" I replied "not since this morning" Bose replied "yeah same" Miles replied "I'll go look for them" I told them "me too" Miles said i immediately knew what he was trying to do "okay come on then" I said dragging Miles with me.

Bose's pov
I didn't really know what to do since I'm all alone with Mika in the mans nest. Mika had put some music on and was singing to it. "I didn't know you could sing" I said surprised by her singing "oh thanks I don't really sing only if i feel like it" she explained "well you should do it more often" I told her. then a slow song came up, I walked up to Mika and held my hand out to her "Mika Macklin will you dance with me?" I gently asked" she giggled a bit and took my hand.

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