The truth

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Bose's pov
Me and mika we're running after my stepsister Sierra when we saw her best friend trinitee come towards us "hey what's going on? I saw Sierra running towards the school exit" she asked "long story short Brianna bullied her in class and revealed something private about her" mika explained "what did she reveal?" Trinitee asked "that her parents abandoned her" I told her. Trinitee got real mad "the bitch did not!" She yelled "no one talks about my best friend like that!" She claimed. "We need to go find her" mika said "i think i know where she is come on let's go" I said running through the exit.

We got at an old tree house me and Sierra found when we were little. We used to come here when we were sad or upset "wait maybe it's better if i go in by myself" I told trinitee and mika "Okay go on then" mika said. I went in and looked around if i could find her. Then i found her sitting in a corner crying. I sat next to her and she looked up and hugged me immediately. Of course I hugged her back comforting her. "Why is it true?" She asked "is what true?" I replied "that my parents abandoned me" she said. I took a deep breath and told her the truth

10 years ago
"Mommy? Where are we going?" 5 yo Sierra asked "don't worry honey we're going on a trip" her mother said "yaaayy where are we going" Sierra asked "that's a surprise" her father said they were walking to the adoption centre as Sierra was just walking happily while her parents started tearing up. "Hello welcome to the adoption centre, how can I help you?" The receptionist asked "hello we are here to bring our daughter here" her mother said while crying. "Mommy what's going on?" Sierra asked while the receptionist took her away. "Don't worry honey it's okay" her father said crying. "We will be back for you once we have enough money to take care of you" her mother swore.

"So you see... you're parents never abandoned you, they didn't have enough money to take care of you so they didn't have a choice but to put you in a adoption centre" I explained to her "so they never abandoned me because they didn't want me?" She asked "no of course not" I told her. She smiled "thank you.. for telling me this" she thanked me "no problem that's what brothers do right?" I said she started giggling "okay let's go back to school" she said "okay let's go" I said. We walked out of the treehouse and trinitee immediately hugged Sierra "damn Sierra you really scared me there please don't run off like that again without me knowing" she said Sierra started laughing "okay I won't" she told her "okay let's go back to school now" I said. We walked back to school and have been avoiding Brianna for the rest of the day

Sorry it's short i ran out of idea's

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