Can i be in?

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I've decided to make my stories like this cuz it's a lot easier

Ray: no, no and again NO!
Bose: but ray Sierra is really good at fighting
Sierra: yeah
Ray: She doesn't have any superpowers
Mika: you don't need to have powers to be a good fighter.
S&B (Sierra and Bose): THANK YOU!
Bose: we can show you.
Ray: okay fine show me what you got

Five: Bose
Lila: Sierra

Ray: not bad but i didn't know bose could fight like that
Everyone: same
Bose: it's called practicing and told ya
Sierra: well?
Ray: I'll think about it
Bose: *gasps*
Sierra: oh no that's never good
Bose: he never thinks about anything
Sierra: meaning?
Chapa: he's not gonna think about it
Sierra: what?! Ugh
Miles: come on ray let her join
Ray: okay fine
Sierra: *gasps* YES
Ray: what do you want you're superhero name to be?
Sierra: siren
Mika: why?
Bose: because if she sings it so loud that a window can break
Miles: no way
Sierra: *sings and a glass breaks* (I really can't sing I'm just pretending i can)
Bose: told ya
Chapa: wow
Mika: unbelievable
Sierra: :)
Ray: okay then "siren" you're officially a member of danger force
Everyone cheers and I hold a speech bla bla bla
Ray: what colour do you want you're herosuit to be?
Sierra: green
Ray: okay then SCHOWZ GET OVER HERE!
Sierra: who's schwoz?
Ray: just some guy who invents things here
Sierra: cool
Schwoz: vhat is it ray?
Ray: i need you make a costume for the new member
Sierra: I have a name you know
Ray: yeah yeah whatever
Sierra: is he always like this
Chapa: yes
Sierra: great
Ray: oh btw you need to understand that you can never tell anyone about you being a superhero
Sierra: O-oh...
Bose: you okay?
Sierra: yeah I'm fine i was just so excited to tell Trinitee about this but i guess i can't

Sorry it's short

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