The song

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Mika's pov
I woke up happily because i get to go to school again (not Swag) I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. After breakfast i went to school and went inside. The first thing i saw was Bose walking towards me and giving me a hug and kissed me on the head "hey mika" he said "hey Bose" i replied "what do you have first period?" He asked "ugh Music class you?" I asked "yeah same" he replied. Then the worst thing happened.

Brianna, a annoying girl at school who's madly crushing on Bose came to us. "Heyyy Bose" she said "what do you want Brianna?" Bose asked "I want to ask you something" she replied "no i'm not going to the dance with you like i told you last night" he explained. excuse me what?! She asked him to the dance last night?! "Ugh how did you know i was gonna ask that?" She asked "because you only come to me for these kind of things" he explained "and like i said last time i already asked someone" he said "oh yeah where is the ugly girl?" I knew she was talking about me because she has been making fun of me ever since I came to this school

"first off all the ugly one here is you and second of all she's standing next to me" Bose said. Brianna's gaze went to me and her eyes widened "her?! The school nerd?!" She said "HEY! She's not a school nerd! She's kind, friendly, helpful and beautiful" he said. I started blushing after he said that but hid it because Brianna was still looking at me "ugh whatever" Brianna said before walking off "sorry you had to see that" Bose said "no it's fine let's go to class now" I said "oh right he said.

We went to class and took our usual spot in the back of the class. The teacher care in and said "okay everyone welcome back to a new year at this school today we are going to do singing" I got nervous because I only sing when I feel like it "we're gonna sing in pairs so pair up with the person next to you" I was so relieved when i heard that we're gonna do it in pairs. After a while the teacher gave us the sign to stop and gave us an turn to come forward and sing the song we chose. It was fun until the teacher called me and Bose forward. I was so nervous until Bose whispered to me "it's okay you got this" his low voice when he whispers always calms me down so went in front of the class and got ready to sing. "Okay so Bose and i chose the song 'rewrite the stars' by James Arthur and Anne-Marie.

"Well done you two that was beautiful you get an A" the teacher said. I was soo happy i never got an A for music class before. I was a little to excited because i jumped into bose's arms who was super happy as well. The whole class went: Awww when Brianna said "they're not even cute Bose and i are way better" the whole class went: "SHUT UP BRIANNA" and "you're just jealous" I tried so hard not to laugh and so did Bose. We went to our seats and Brianna gave me a death stare. "That's it" Bose then said because he saw the death stare

"BRIANNA I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE SO JEALOUS OF MIKA BUT YOU NEED TO STOP BECAUSE I DO NOT LIKE YOU!!! AND I NEVER WILL SO LEAVE ME AND MIKA ALONE AND GO STALK SOMEONE ELSE!!" He yelled. I was shocked i've never seen Bose this mad but then i remembered his disease "bose calm down you're disease" I said trying to calm him down "I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY DISEASE MIKA! BRIANNA NEEDS TO SHUT UP!!" I was so shocked. Bose was really mad. Brianna was also really shocked that Bose stood up to her. She started to fake cry "Bose how could you break my heart like that?" She said "stop you're little act and tell me why you're so jealous of mika!" Bose said still half yelling "BECAUSE SHE'S TAKING YOU AWAY FROM ME!!" She yelled. Now Bose was really pissed " I AM NOT YOU'RE BOYFRIEND BRIANNA OR SHOULD I SAY CRY BABY SO STOP PRETENDING SOMETHING THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!  Bose stormed out of class and I went after him. The whole class was also shocked.

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