Friends or more?

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Mika's pov
I was really nervous to go to SWAG again. Normally I'm excited but since that almost kiss with Bose happened yesterday i'm to nervous to see his face again. Before i knew it i was standing in front of the door of SWAG suddenly i heard a voice in my head saying: "don't go, you will see Bose again if you go, turn around, go back home" I shook it off and went inside and there he was. Sitting in his chair drawing which is weird because i think i've never seen him draw before. I tried to look at the drawing but before I could he put it in his bag and turned around. I could see he didn't know i was behind him because he turned his head back to his desk "hey bose" i just said. Why did i only say hi??!! "hey Mika" he replied. I just went to my desk without saying anything

A few minutes later Chapa came in with miles which is weird cuz I'm sure miles was with me when I went to SWAG "Miles weren't you with me when we went to SWAG this morning?" I asked "I was but since we weren't saying anything I got bored and teleported somewhere also can I talk to you in private mika?" He asked "uhh sure" I replied. We went into the closet and miles immediately shoved something in my face. It was the picture I had in my desk in my bedroom "care to explain?" He asked "how did you-?" He cut me off "I snuck into you're room while you were taking a shower to find this" He said showing the picture " Okay okay you got me" i said "well?" He asked I sighed "what do you think?" I asked him "are you too dating?" He replied "what no" I said "not yet" i said under my breath " then what is this?" he continued

"do you have a crush on Bose?" He asked, I nodded "and you never told me?!" He said "because you can't keep secrets!" i said "whatever let's just go back to the others but we're not done talking yet!" He said before leaving the closet. I put myself together trying not to scream and went after him. Just as I sat in my seat ray came in "okay everyone shut up and listen, today we are going to learn how to use our powers without letting anyone see it" he explained "how are we gonna do that?" Miles asked "like that" he said pointing to Bose who was using his telekinesis to put a cockroach in schwoz's pocket "AAAAIII" he screamed when he found he cockroach in his pocket. We all started laughing if how funny it was but I was laughing at bose's cute laugh. Wow I think I really do like him.

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