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Mika's pov
Bose asked me something i always wanted "mika macklin, will you go to the school dance with me?" He asked holding my hands. How could i say no?! "YES OF COURSE" I said hugging him and he hugged me back. "Well i have to go home now" he said "oh okay" I replied "I'll see you tomorrow" he said "okay" I replied. Later that evening i went to sleep smiling "Best. Day. Of. My. Life" I said before drifting to sleep

Bose's pov
As I arrived at my house i saw a girl from our school Brianna (I forgot to tell they also go to a normal school) standing at my front door. Ugh I can't stand Brianna, she is madly crushing on me. I wanted to yell at her telling her to leave but i took it cool "uhh Brianna? What are you doing here?" I asked calmly "oh hey Bose" she said flirty "well I came here to ask you if you wanted to go to the school dance with me?" She asked. Was she serious right now?! Did she really think i was going with her?! No way! "Sorry I already asked someone" I told her.

I could tell she got mad "what?! Who?!" She asked "that isn't any of you're business" I said "uhhh yes it is you're supposed to go with me!" She said "and why should I?" I asked "because you like me!" She said. are you kidding me?! Did she really think I would like her?! I thought of what i was going to say was a good idea but i didn't care anymore "Ewww gross!" I said. She gasped "how dare you! I bet the girl you're going with is super ugly" She said tearing up. That's where she crossed the line "aww you're gonna cry?, I don't like you and i never will and the girl I'm going with is way prettier than you're ugly face so go find someone else to bother and leave me alone!" I snapped "now leave would ya?" I said opening my door "but-" she tried but I cut her off "LEAVE NOW" I said slamming the door in her face. Ughhh that girl annoys me soo much. Like seriously how could she think i'm interested in her?! I went to bed and thought about what is gonna happen tomorrow.

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