Let's prepare

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Miles pov
Mika and Bose were dragging us through the school hall into the closet

Chapa: what's this about?

Mika: would you just-

Miles: why are we here?

Mika: i was about to-

Chapa: why in a closet?



Bose: okay so you all know my sister Sierra right?

M&C: yes?

Mika: well she got in the hospital and we got the idea to host a private concert just for her

Chapa: why did she get in the hospital?

Bose: She got an epileptic seizure last night and might not survive

Miles: oh I'm so sorry man

Chapa: same I shouldn't have asked

Bose: it's okay now you know

Mika: anyways we would really appreciate you're help with preparing everything

Chapa: of course, anything for Sierra

Bose: great um also me and mika are singing a song, would you guys like to sing too?

Miles: I'm not really a fan of singing but sure
Chapa:sure, I love singing, what song should we sing?

Bose: well me and mika are singing "arcade" because it's one of her favourite songs

Chapa: how many does she have?

Bose: a lot and I believe she really likes the song "snowman"

Mika: oh please don't say that word again after Brianna sang it

Bose: please don't say that name

Miles: okay well let's get started

They started preparing everything for the private concert and Sierra didn't know anything about it

Mika was standing on a ladder hanging up some lights when she tripped and fell off the ladder. Before she could hit the ground Bose catches her. They looked each other in the eye

Miles: hey lovebirds, you can stare at each other later

Bose: uhh right

Mika: yeah i better get to where i was

Bose: me too

2 hours later

Mika: we're finally done

Bose: yes finally

Chapa: it's getting late we should go home

All: yeah okay gn

Everyone went home and went to bed but Bose and mika couldn't sleep so they snuck out if they're room to the park. They both went to the playground where they've met for the first time

6 y/o Bose: hey are you otay?

6 y/o mika: no I fwell of the swide

6 y/o Bose: here let me hwelp you wup

6 y/o mika: twank you, my name is mwika

6 y/o bose: I'm bwose

6 y/o mika: nice to mweet you bwose

6 y/o Bose: you to mwika

*end of flashback*

Mika: Bose?

Bose: mika?

M&B: what are you doing here?

Mika: I couldn't sleep

Bose: me neither

Mika: wanna go watch the sunset?

Bose: sure

They went to a lake where you can see the sunset super good

Mika: it's beautiful isn't it?

Bose: yes it is, but not as beautiful as you

Mika blushed, Bose pushed mika into the lake

Mika: BOSE!! Aaaaah it soo cold!!

Bose: hahahahaha here let me help you

Bose puts out his hand to help mika our but instead mika pulls him into the lake

Bose: HEY!!!

Mika: that's what you get for pushing me

They splashed at each other and had a lot of fun when mika jumped onto Bose which made him go underwater with mika, while being underwater Bose stared at mika and didn't hesitate a minute and kissed her and put one one hand on her waist and one on her cheek, mika was a little shocked because she didn't expect that but kissed back and put her arms around his neck, they got above the water and  kept kissing in the sunlight of the sunset.

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