you light my morning sky

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Summary: The year is 1966, and Johnny Storm loves hairspray and Spider-Man a little too much.
Word Count: 8038
by @gleesquid on archive of our own

Johnny zoomed down the stairs. His flames sputtered out right as his feet hit the floor.

"And he sticks the landing!" He bowed to invisible judges holding up invisible (but stupendous) scorecards.

Sue eyed him from her spot on the couch. "What did I tell you about using your powers outside of the appropriate, fire retardant spaces?"

"I have a date," Johnny said, completely ignoring her well-meaning, but misplaced criticism.

She closed her copy of Cosmopolitan with a snap. "Dorrie's a nice girl, Johnny, but I don't think she's right for –,"

"Cool your jets, Mom. Dorrie and I are over."

Sue slowly opened Cosmo again, even as her eyes stayed on Johnny. "The pretty Inhuman then? I'd be careful with her."

"What's that? I think I hear the phone ringing." Johnny walked over to the phone on the coffee table, held the receiver to his ear, and listened for a moment. "Oh, it's the year 1950. It misses you as much as you seem to miss it."

Sue frowned. "This isn't about race, Johnny. She's not any regular Inhuman –,"

"I'm not seeing Crystal!" Johnny said, throwing his hands up. "So relax, okay? You don't know the kid."

Not necessarily true. But he couldn't very well tell Sue who he was meeting. For a number of reasons.

The building shook as Ben lumbered into the room.

"Suzie? You making dinner soon?" he asked. Both Sue and Johnny rolled their eyes, suddenly a united front.

"Why don't you make dinner tonight, Ben?" asked Sue.

Ben held up his thick, rocky hands. "With whose mitts? If you don't wanna, fine, but let Johnny."

"I would, but I have a date!" said Johnny.

Ben peered at him. "You goin' out in yer uniform?"

Johnny looked down at his sleek, blue costume. "I think it's classy."

"Yer a regular Ken doll."

"Aw, you big softie." Johnny stood on his tiptoes to give Ben a sloppy kiss on the cheek, which he made a big fuss of wiping off.

"Since Johnny's going out, maybe we should all have a night on the town," said Sue. "Reed can pay!"

Reed's head appeared in the doorway. They couldn't see the rest of him, but he didn't get yelled at. Apparently Johnny was the only who wasn't allowed to use his powers indoors.

"Susan, I thought we talked about this," Reed said. "You can't volunteer my check book every time you don't feel like cooking."

Sue flipped a page of her magazine. "Johnny's going out, so he won't be cooking either. It's you or Ben."

"Well then! Who wants Chinese?"

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