3 and 1 SpideyTorch

772 17 4

Summary: 3 times people found out Johnny and Peter were dating... plus the one time Peter found out.
Word Count: 1383
by @cloudiestskies on archive of our own


"Hey, Webs!" Johnny called. Peter yelped, and gripped the sides of the roof so he wouldn't fall.

"Jesus, fuck, Johnny! You scared the hell out of me."

"Yeah, yeah." Johnny waved his hand. "Anyways, I brought food!"

He proudly held up the plastic bag in his grip, and Peter snorted, before tapping the bit of the ledge next to him. Johnny unloaded the bag, putting the thickest french toast Peter'd ever seen onto little paper plates. He passed a large stack drenched in maple syrup to Peter, who hummed in appreciation.

"Sue made a bunch of bread the other day, so I'm putting it to good use." Johnny explained, and Peter sighed from the taste of the treat.

"God, this is amazing." He mumbled around his fork. "She's outdone herself."

"Wanna play 20 questions again?"

Peter thought for a second. "Yeah, sure, wanna go first?"

"Absolutely, what color is your hair?"

"Brown, star wars or star trek?"

They always did this little dance whenever they met up. One of them would bring snacks, usually Johnny, since he had some kind of radar sense for Peter's downtimes. Always starting with 20 questions, just random life questions, and then they'd go where the conversation took them from there.

"Wars, what's your birthday?"

"August 10th, favorite band or singer?."

"Easy, Arctic Monkeys. Yours?"

"Mitski, I think. When was the last time you jumped? Not to fly, straight up jumped."

Johnny paused. "Holy fuck. I don't think I remember. How's M and F?"

"Pretty good, we made lasagna together last night. F stared at his ass for 5 minutes. "

"Dear God."

"Yeah, watching a man stare at my dad's ass for 5 minutes is a reality check, I think."

"You've got a little.." Johnny gestured at his own face.

Peter rubbed the left corner of his mouth. "Did I get it?"

"No it's...I'll just get it."

"Alright, mom. "

Johnny rolled his eyes and snorted, before using his thumb to wipe off a bit of maple syrup from Peter's face.

Then Johnny kissed him.

It was over as quick as it happened, and Peter flushed immediately.

"Wh-What was that for!?" He squawked.

"What? A guy can't kiss his boyfriend?"

Peter blinked.

"I'm your boyfriend?"

Johnny blinked.

"Oh my God. That's what I forgot to do."

Peter doubled over, laughing. Johnny hid his face in his hands, mumbling his prayers for death, which only made Peter wheeze harder.

"How long have we been dating? Because I've had the most insane crush on you for about what, two months?

Johnny muttered something into his hands.

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