It's Possible

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And the gayness starts.
Shh I didn't forget-
Enjoy ;'))

Hashirama's eyes widened at Madara's words. "What..what did you say?" Hashirama asked to see if he'd heard it wrong. "I remember being here. I was with someone.." he trailed off seemingly trying to remember more. Hashirama's heart lifted and he felt as light as a feather at those words of hope.

He couldn't help himself. Letting out a laugh he brought the unexacting Uchiha into an embrace. He felt the other tense up. Regardlessly, he lifted him off the ground and began spinning them in circles. He could hear Madara's laughter start to fester as well, which only fueled his own. After a bit more spinning he settled himself enough to put the poor Uchiha down. Suddenly his breath caught. His eyes chestnut eyes met those dark charcoal ones. He could practically feel the others enthusiasm at this new discovery. But that wasn't the only reason he couldn't breath. Madara was smiling.

Hashirama couldn't even give enough words to describe how beautiful it made him look. The Senju couldn't find himself looking away for a second. Having Madara in his arms locked in his embrace, and Madara was smiling. The Senju's heart fluttered. It was..

"Hashirama?" Asked the Uchiha who was now showing.. Concern? Confusion? Oh gods someone end him. "I..uh Yeah?" Hashirama stuttered out his face starting to flush. "Could you.. let go?" Hashirama then realized that he really was still embracing the Uchiha. He immediately let go smiling nervously. "Uh what did you remember exactly?" Hashirama changed the subject quickly. Why was he feeling so.. nervous?

Madara's demeanor immediately brightened. "I was here a lot, and I was with someone." He replied as he looked around. Hashirama silently thanked the gods that Madara had looked away. Because he was now clenching the spot where his heart was currently beating at an extremely fast pace.

"We trained and talked, and" Madara began rambling but Hashirama didn't mind, as a matter of fact he simply tried to pin what events Madara had been rambling off. Even talking about when they spoke about their dream, though Madara don't really remember what the conversation was about. It made him a little upset but he didn't say anything.

"Then another day we'd met and we.." Madara trailed off. "Then what?" He asked suddenly sensing the others distress. "We were followed and rated on.." Hashirama stayed quiet also remembering when Tobirama had followed him into the woods.. "an ambush.." Madara's voice had lowered as the Senju remembered when Their fathers and brothers fought. When they saved their brothers from near deaths by throwing the same rocks they'd used to warn each other of the ambush. Then Madara's Sharingan.. Hashirama quickly shook the thought off before looking to Madara who'd gone silent. "Madara? What is it?" Hashirama asked gently. The uchiha mumbled something inaudible. Hashirama gently placed a hand on Madara's shoulder. His back was facing him. "Madara what is it? Did you remember something else?"Of course the Senju knew that the air would get gloomy eventually. "Damnit why can't I remember his name" Madara spoke again ignoring him, but this time he sounded frustrated. "Madara." Hashirama spoke. A pause then a sigh. "What?" The Uchiha sounded irritated.

Hashirama turned the other around so they were facing one another. Again Hashirama's breathing stopped. "Madara..your eyes.." blinking in surprise at not only Madara but himself for somehow get words out of his mouth. Instead of those dark pools he'd been staring into previously, he now found that he was looking into the spinning red gleam of the sharingan. Though instead of the usual three tomoe's and it's unique pattern, he only saw one spinning.. What was that about.. Could it have something to do with his amnesia? Soon he realized another thing. He really shouldn't be looking into the Uchiha's eyes. Something else caught his eyes. He let his gaze fall on the the single droplet of water that was now falling from Madara's face.

It wasn't raining.. and Madara wasn't close enough to to the river to accidentally get water on his face so why..Oh.

Before he could have stopped himself he found that his eyes met with Madara's sharingan again. Thought they were now fading, and he knew that the 'water' he was wondering about wasn't actually water but a tear. How he was still getting words out through his shock was still a surprise. "Madara why are you..crying?"

Madara blinked in response, as if he'd just been brought back from his thoughts, before quickly raising a hand to his face and wiping the tear streak that was left. "What are you..."A weak mumble started. "I..I don't know..why I was.." Madara started again. Hashirama without thought, wrapped the other in his arms again. "Don't worry. You'll remember. I promise." The Senju whispered softly to the Uchiha with a small encouraging smile.

He got no verbal response just Madara relaxing in his arms before he buried his face further into the Senju's neck. The burnet guessed it was to hide his shame from involuntarily shedding a tear but Hashirama smiled and mentally cooed all the same at the others actions. It was almost like Madara was a child all over again. It was very.. Unlike him. Like a lot.

Though Hashirama wasn't complaining since he was a relatively touchy person. He liked physical contact, or at least he didn't mind it. He was usually the one to initiate the contact. No different in this situation. But contact from Madara was rare even from when they were children, and here they are now. Madara accepting his embrace even somewhat embracing him back. It was.. strange. Being this close it made him feel something..

Hashirama's thoughts were disturbed as he heard Tobirama calling his name. He simply looked down to Madara who had hadn't moved yet. Suddenly Hashirama realized just how tall he was. Either that or how short Madara was. Before, it was kinda hard to tell when he was focused on not losing your life to Madara. Madara's hight had always just been.. short. He wasn't looking down on him, it was just kinda.. cute? Would that be a good word to use for this..?

Mentally he shook his head. What was wrong with him.. After pulling himself together, slowly releasing Madara in the process. He spoke up only when the Uchiha didn't move. This really was not like him. "Madara?" He started. The Senju felt the other sigh before moving away. "Is something wrong?" Hashirama asked softly, as if he spoke normally then he'd ruin something. "I'm just..tired." The raven haired male responded back in a whisper. Hashirama knew that wasn't all but he gave a nod nonetheless, then taking Madara's hands into his. Again. Hashirama noticed something. Madara's hands were small.. He definitely shouldn't start thinking like this..

Madara's gaze went to their hands before looking to Hashirama. "What are.." he'd started but thankfully Hashirama snapped out of his trance. Smiling he began pulling Madara back the way came from. Of course, Madara willingly let himself be pulled back to the yelling Tobirama.

Just because they'd reached the house Hashirama suddenly stopped and turned to him. "Madara." Said Uchiha blinked a few times but before he could reply Hashirama continued. "It's possible." He said with a determined smile. Madara was silently a moment before a shy smile graced his lips.

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