Narcissa Tells a story

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"Grandma, how'd mum and dad get married? I mean my original mum" Scorpius asked all of a sudden, Narcissa smiled." that day, was the day I saw your dad's true's what happened..."


Hermione is in the dressing room with Ginny,Luna,Cho,and some other bridesmaids.Hermione wore a beautiful gown, her hair is properly down making her curls bounce when she walks, her lips are colored with a light shade of pink, her rose bouquet is beside her. She felt so happy, she never thought that this day would come.

She loved your dad, she always spent time with him and helped him. She even cured his sickness one time. Hermione can't help but cry,"Come on Mione don't cry"Ginny tells her,"yeah.It's your big day" Cho said. "I'm just so happy...I never thought this day would even come"Hermione said dabbing her tears."I know that feeling. I cried the day I married Harry too "Ginny hugged her best friend. 

"Compose yourself Mione. You don't want those reporters and Reeta to take a photo of you with messed up makeup don't you?" Luna chuckled. Hermione sighed and laughed too. Ever since the proposal, until the wedding day, a lot of reporters and interviewers were trying to get your parents to tell them everything.

Their story was so wonderful and interesting those people even put it as the head on the Daily Prophet. 

There was a sudden knock on the door." That better not be Draco"Luna said,Ginny opened the door,it was me.

"Hello girls,may I speak with the bride alone?" I asked them,"Of course Mrs.Malfoy"they all said then left.

"Hello Mrs.Malfoy," Hermione said to me,"Oh stop it! You're way too polite dear. Just call me mum now! And you'll be Mrs.Malfoy soon enough too"I smiled.

"I wanted to give you this" I opened the box I was holding. Hermione was amazed, there was a green necklace with earrings." it was once mine. I wore it on my wedding day as well" I said,

"I knew that it would look good on you so I'm passing it on to you"I smiled,"But isn't it too much?" she asked. "No. You're the girl that made my Draco very happy. His life changed ever since you came into his life, and he himself chose to change for the better. I want everything to be perfect on this day. You and Draco are a perfect match, even if you aren't pureblood it doesn't matter,you're very special Hermione"I smiled placing the necklace and earrings on her. Hermione looked very beautiful. "Because of you, he learned so much. He even enjoyed exploring the muggle world. That was one thing a Malfoy wouldn't appreciate all the time, but everything's different now. Thanks to you."

"I really love him... Despite loathing him for so many years, he helped me become the woman I never thought I could be. He helped me become the best version of me. Thank you too..."Hermione smiled.

"Now let's go! Draco might think something happened to you" I laughed. Her mother and father came to walk her down the aisle. Draco was tearing, "Hey,are you crying?"Lucius asked," No!I've got allergies"Draco lied. The maid of honor Ginny walked first, then the groomsmen with the bridesmaids. Then, there Hermione was. With her parents, looking so beautiful. She smiled, Draco stared at the girl he'll be marrying, the girl he loved so much, the girl that made him feel all the happiness, all the things he never felt because of prejudice and hatred. When Hermione' s parents let her go,Hermione's father gave Draco a take-care-of-my-little-girl look. Draco nodded at him in reassurance, smiled and took Hermione's hand.

They recited their vows, then the music played.

Take my hand
Take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Keep your eyes locked in mine
And let the music be your guide

Won't you promise me
(Now won't you promise me
That you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing
(To keep dancing)
Wherever we go next

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding someone like you
Its one in a million
The chances of feeling
The way we do

And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
(Can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

Take my hand
I'll take the lead
And every turn will be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall

And you can't keep us apart
(Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart)
Cause my heart
(Cause my heart is)
Wherever you are

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding
Someone like you.......
(I'll skip it's too long sorry)

At the end of the dance, all of your uncles and aunts yelled "KISSSS!!!!!!", but no one really stopped them so...they did. Everyone was happy that day, they drank, ate, talked, laughed, everything! And that's the story of your mother and father's wonderful wedding"


I smiled at my grandchildren who seemed to enjoy the story of their parents' wedding." what about your wedding?"Dray asked me,"Oh let your grandfather do the talking I'm gonna sleep"I laughed then went off.

"I'm serious okay? Let him do the talking"I said lastly.

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