The new wife

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"Are you crazy?Astoria wouldn't want that!" a woman argued.

"I want Astoria to be happy" the man said.

"But it's against the Wizarding Law!" the woman disagreed.

"I don't care, wether the Malfoys want it or not,I'll make them do it!"The man said darkly.

"I hope you know what you're doing"the woman breathed.The man left swiftly with 3 men.

"Avada Kedavra"


"Draco, I'll go visit my parents. I'll bring them here" Hermione informed him.

"Of course. The kids and I will hang out while you're gone"Draco smiled as he kissed Hermione's cheek "Be safe honey". She left using her broom. When she arrived, she felt a very different feeling. She entered the house, she walked slowly and looked around, examining their home.

Her eyes were full of shock when she saw her parents......lying on the floor lifeless. Her eyes started to water. Then she heard footsteps. She faced behind her and saw 4 men in coats.

"Did you do this?"Hermione questioned.

"Who else would?"the man smirked.

"Who are you bastards?"Hermione hissed.

"I'm Astoria's father.I'm here to make a deal with you"The man said.

"I'd rather die!"Hermione shouted.

"Fine, if you want your dear Draco to die, then don't agree" the man laughed evilly

Hermione was shocked,"What do you want?!" she growled.

"I want you to leave the Wizarding world. Leave your family....or else...the price will be Draco and your children" the man grinned.

Hermione's heart beat went fast...she tried to swallow the lump on her throat....she didn't want anyone to die.....No...

"Fine" Hermione finally said. Although it was against her will, she had to.

"Good! Now I'll leave you to do the cleaning" Said Astoria's father and left with the three men. Hermione burst into tears. She fell on her knees and sobbed behind her mother's cold and lifeless body.

"I'm so wasn't here earlier to save you....I'm so sorry....." she said with hiccups. "I love you"

Hermione felt week after crying but she got up to make them a proper place to rest in peace. She had shed so many tears, as she gazed at her parents' grave.

"I'll return for all of you...Draco........Scorpius......Dray.....Lillione......"Hermione thought"he'll pay for what he has done!"

At Malfoy Manor.....

"I'm terribly sorry Narcissa...Lucius....Draco" fakely apologized Mr.Greengrass"I saw it happen, I saw the man who killed miss Grange--"

"MALFOY!"Draco hissed, feeling so much disrespect.

"Y-yes....but he got away.....Her body is outside...we brought her here....but if you want us to throw it then--"Mr.GreenGrass was cut off.

"HECK NO!" Draco raged "If you came here to badmouth my wife then shut your babbling mouth! I want to give her a proper resting place"

"Of course Draco" Lucius said sadly.

"Please leave us to it"Lucius ordered for Mr.Greengrass to leave them.

"But--"he was cut off again.

"Please Leave"Narcissa said.

The three kids were crying... Draco felt miserable.

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