Dray's Birth

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Draco's P.O.V

I'm sitting in my office starting right out of the window as I drank my coffee and minding my thoughts,and suddenly remembered when I received Hermione's case.

My assistant Dean came in holding the files to Hermione's case.

"This is what Mr.Greengrass said during the interview sir" Dean handed me the papers.

I read it.

According to the witness,Mr.Greengrass said that he didn't fully see the face of the suspect that murdered Mrs.Hermione G.Malfoy.He said that "I was only taking a walk around a muggle village when I and my men heard a scream."

We followed it's direction to see Ms.Granger's(Hermione Malfoy) body along with her parents' dead bodies lying on the floor. A vase dropped and there was a man there who quickly ran away but I saw the color of the suspect's hair. It had the same color as that of the Weasleys, it was red."

"This man is really getting on my nerves. He still calls Hermione by her maiden name not that it's an ugly name but he wouldn't use Hermione's married name for goodness sake!" I growled.

"Sir, there have been some rumors that maybe, a Weasley actually killed Hermione," Dean tells me.

"What? But that's not possible...they wouldn't..." I said in disbelief.

"I don't think so too sir since Mrs.Malfoy is very close to the Weasleys" Dean agreed with me..

"Hm...interesting.Thank you, Dean" I said, he bowed and left my office.

This isn't good, why would there be rumors of a Weasley murdering Hermione and her parents? It's unbelievable. I don't believe it's true.

But what if it is?

Now I'm getting stressed again...


"Come on Mione...You can do it" I told her.

Her grip became more firm, we're both in the delivering room.

"Breathe in and out Mrs.Malfoy" said the healer.

"And 1...2...3 Push!" The healer in charge says.

"UUUUAAAAARRGHH!" Hermione pushed.

"You can do it come on" I tell her.

"Again!Push!" The healer says and again Hermione pushed as hard as she could.

She stopped suddenly....

"Uwaaah..." there were small cries.

"Congratulations Mr.and Mrs.Malfoy, it's a healthy baby boy," said the healer carrying our baby.

I faced Hermione who smiled weakly.

"You did very well darling" I smiled at her and kissed her hand.

"Here he is" the healer carefully handed me, my son.

"Hey there little man" I smiled. I felt like the happiest man in the world.

I have a son.

I'm a father now.

"There's mummy" I placed him closer to Hermione.

"I can't believe it..."Hermione smiled.

"Hm...welcome to the world Dray," I tell my son.

"I can't believe that I carried our first child...for 9 months...and"Hermione's crying "It's not fair!"

"Huh?What's not fair?" i asked confused.

"I carried Dray for 9 months and now that he's out...he looks like you!It's not fair!" She whined.

"U-u-uh?" I wanted to face palm but I was holding Dray.

"Mummy's being dramatic Dray" I say.

"How come he looks like you?" Hermione cried.

"Seriously darling?Calm down." I kissed her forehead.

"You actually have the strength to joke about something like that when you just gave birth huh?" I chuckled.

Yep.Thats my wife.

And that's Dray's mum.

"Awww...." The healers were listening and the gushed.

"Give me my son" Hermione demanded.

"Calm down Mione" I carefully gave her Dray

Hermione stared at Dray and smiled. She moved her face closer to him and gently kissed his forehead.

"Your full name is Draconus Dray Granger-Malfoy," Mione says.

"Great choice Mione. The name fits our son" I tell her.

"Even if you look like your ferret daddy I still love you both" I heard her say.

Did she really have to add ferret in her statement?

I sat beside Hermione and a smile formed from my mouth.

After all the things I've experienced this is one of the best experiences.

Seeing my wife who loves me and having a child that was formed from the love that Hermione and I share.

And now I'm talking deeply about love...heh.

It's Hermione's fault I became like this.But I don't mind.

The Hermione Effect that's what I call it.


I smiled remembering that day Hermione gave birth to Dray.

She even had the time to get dramatic that Dray looked like me and not her after she carried him for 9 months.

That's Hermione alright. My Hermione...

"Just wait Mione...I'll avenge you".

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