Back in time

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"Then let me take you back..."  Billius proffered and took out his wand.

"No Draco! It's a trap!" Meorhine stopped him, the children were starting to scream in pain. The chains started to burn even more. Scorpius, was starting to fall into the affection of Billius' wife. 

"Please...Just let me see her one last time..." Draco's eyes started to water.

"STOP! You don't have to do that" Ginny shouted at him, "Say it! NOW!" Luna faced Hermione. But with no further ado, Hermione ran to Draco. "Don't listen to him...I'm already here..." she held him by his shoulders. 

Draco was confused, "'s me." Hermione changed back into her real self. Draco was surprised, "H-H-Hermione..." he muttered. Harry and Neville were shocked, Draco immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"Mum!" Lillione cried out, "Please save us!" they pleaded. 

"They can't save you...the chains are already starting to squeeze out your blood. Soon enough your blood will combine and create the stone that would resurrect my wife" Billius snarled.

"You can't bring her back!" Luna said in disagreement. 

"You don't know what you're saying, woman!" Billius bellowed.

"No, you can't! No matter how much you try you can't do that" Neville argued "All of us have experienced loss. It was depressing but it happened. You have to live with it."

"And even if you manage to bring her back, it would just be her body" Harry informed him.

"You may bring her body back...but definitely not her soul" Draco stated. Billius had mixed emotions, "No...I CAN!" he fought back.

"She can't stay here for long...even if you bring her back. Her body will decay, she'll be miserable if she stays here for long. Do you want that?" Hermione questioned, "Even if she returned, she won't be happy".

"She will be! I know she will!!!" Billius cried.

"And if she does come back, she won't be the same woman she was when she was still alive," Luna said. "She won't be herself."

"No...she won't... and she most certainly not be happy if her husband is trying to use children to bring her back to life. The blood of children who haven't lived to their fullest. Children who have dreams..." Hermione provoked.

"You said you didn't have children...then why would you treat children this way?" Ginny pointed out, "Do you think your wife would've wanted that?" Draco questioned.

Billius fell silent. 

"Please don't do this...please" Hermione grieved.

"There must be good left in your heart" Harry stated, "Find it.".

"Don't listen to them!!!" Magenta shrieked. Billius looked up with a dark smile plastered across his face.

"Then...If she can't come back...then so will they be" Billius faced the children.

"What are you saying?" Draco asked, feeling uneasy.

"I may not bring her back nor can I change my past to even save her...but I will bring you all will suffer having no one beside you...That person you love...isn't there," he told them "You will lose each I lost her".

"Wait Billius--NO!" Magenta was terrified. "Oh no..."Lizeth froze.

"MUM! DAD!" Screamed the children in pain. 

"Let's see if fate would be so kind to all of you..." 

"What's happening?" Harry and Neville felt something definitely wrong in the atmosphere. Ginny and Luna did too.

Billius brought out a time turner.

"NO DON'T DO THAT!" Draco shouted and ran to stop him.

"DRACO!" Hermione called out and took his hand, pulling him behind her.

Billius turned it, activating the time turner, with that, "Oblivious".

A tear trickled from Hermione's eyes. She was hit first, the following shots of the spell had been faint.

And then...

They were back in time.

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