Part 2

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"Oh, hey Suga-san!" A voice came out from behind the bookshelves. Two sets of footsteps were coming around the shelf Sugawara was putting his books back on. 
When the two people came into view, it was no other than Hinata, and Kageyama. This caused a bit of perplexity for the silver haired boy because, he never would've thought to see those two in a library in a million years. 

"Hinata, Kageyama, hey! Are you two lost?" Sugawara chuckled, a genuine question. 
The two boys looked at each other in bewilderment for a second, taking quite a while for them to process what Suga meant by 'lost'.

"Nope! Tsukishima forced us to use the library as a study place so we couldn't make too much noise." Hinata giggled, revealing his and Kageyama's reasonings for being in the library. 
This wasn't too shocking since just last week, the blonde boy was trying his hardest to keep Shoyo's and Tobio's voices down. 
Eventually, Tsukki gave up, leaving them behind and going home with Yamaguchi. 

"What are you doing in here, Sugawara?" Kageyama asked the silver haired boy, who they know is always in here but they decided to ask anyways. 

"Just returning some books for a friend!" Sugawara chuckled, informing his underclassmen. 
Kageyama and Hinata just nodded, for some reason, watching Koushi carefully put books back onto the shelves. 
The silver haired boy could feel their stares on him but, he didn't understand why they were gazing at him so intensely. 
"Is there something else you two need?" He asked them, snapping them out of their daze. 

"Nope! Let's go Kageyama!" Hinata smiled, dragging the taller boy by his wrist. 

Koushi just looked at the first years in confusion, wondering why they just looked at him for a good minute. 
What the silver haired boy didn't know was that, he wasn't emitting the energy he normally does. There was a subconscious frown on his face, instead of any other natural expression. 

"Hey Suga!" Daichi's voice suddenly spoke, Suga hearing footsteps jogging towards him. The silver haired boy excitedly jerked his head into the direction, seeing that face he loves to see.
That frown he had plastered on his face was gone in a snap.

"Daichi! I thought you were dealing with the classmates?" Sugawara asked, tapping over to the dark haired captain like a puppy. 
Sawamura chuckled at the sight of Koushi being so excited to see him. As they chatted on for a while, he told the silver haired boy that when he walked into the classroom, the boys just automatically quieted down, not making the job too hard. 

"..So yeah, that's kind of what happened." Daichi chuckled, feeling a sense of relief that it was done quicker than he thought it would be. "Thanks again for returning my books." He smiled, making Koushi's heart skip a beat. 

"Of course!" Sugawara beamed, glad that he could help Daichi in that aspect. 
But for some reason, something was bugging him deep down. It was the situation with Sawamura liking Michimiya but, the silver haired boy couldn't find a right time to ask. The dark haired captain could see Koushi conflicted about something so, he decided to act on that promise. 

"Come on, I promised to buy you a snack." Daichi suddenly spoke, pulling Sugawara out of the library by his wrist. This shocked the silver haired boy a bit but, he went along with Sawamura, a heartwarming smile plastered on his face. 

Sugawara was beyond happy. It felt like his heart was doing jumping jacks as he watched himself get dragged by Daichi. 
They both ended at a snack shop, and they ordered what they wanted (all on Daichi of course). Koushi ordered taiyaki (a fish-shaped cake filled with red bean paste), and Sawamura ordered crepes. 

"Daichi, wanna try?" Sugawara stuck out his taiyaki, offering Daichi a bite. The dark haired setter agreed, taking a huge chomp out of Koushi's snack. "Hey!" He scolded, laughing, and taking a huge bite out of Sawamura's crepes. 

"Tastes good." Daichi chuckled, licking some of the red bean paste off of his lips. 
There was still a bit left on the corner of Sawamura's lips so...

"You have a bit..." Sugawara raised his hand up to Sawamura's chin, gliding his finger across to get rid of the speck of crumbs on the side of his lips. Daichi could feel a slight heat in his cheeks, as the silver haired setter was pretty close to his face. 
"There!" He smiled, getting it all of. Koushi didn't catch wind of the blush on the dark haired captain's face, so lucky for him. 

"Heh, thanks Suga." Daichi quietly appreciated, strangely getting all shy with the silver haired setter. Now, Koushi noticed that.

"Daichi? You okay?" Sugawara asked, leaning in towards the dark haired captain. 
Sawamura looked like he was falling ill so, Koushi pressed his forehead against Daichi's making sure that there was no fever. 
That small tint of pink turned into a scarlet red, spreading like wildfire across the flushed boy. 

"Yea- Yeah, I think we should get going, come on." Daichi stammered a bit, hiding his face in the other direction. He rushed back towards the school, having Sugawara trail a bit behind him, but not alongside him. 

'That reaction...was a bit strange, wasn't it?' Koushi thought to himself, recalling that apple red color spread across of Daichi's face. 
Sugawara didn't know what it was but, a natural smile grew onto his face. 
"Daichi! Slow down, jeez!" The silver haired boy called out, suddenly realizing that Sawamura was miles ahead of him already. 

As Sugawara ran after Daichi, something was brewing deep down. Not just Koushi's lingering feelings, but something looming within Sawamura.
Some strange mixed feelings...

Something strange indeed.

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