Part 8

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Daichi's eyes were wide open as he realized he was kissing Sugawara. Thing is, he would've enjoyed it but, he could taste marijuana mixed it with Koushi's saliva. 
So, Sawamura shoved the silver haired boy off, resulting in him giving the dark haired captain a devastated look. 

"Ha..hahahhah! Not even Daichi #2 likes me." Sugawara frowned, tracing his finger against his lips as he could still feel Daichi's on his own. 
He could feel the tears swimming back up to the surface as he looked down to his feet. 

"Suga..." Daichi reached his hand out to Sugawara's cheek, feeling guilty because he already figured this was somehow about him. 
"I am Daichi, but you're not in your right headspace." He softly smiled, resting his palm against Koushi's cheek. It was warm. 
Then he felt something wet drop down onto his fingers. 
"Suga, why are you crying?" He quietly asked, lifting the silver haired boy's face with his two hands. 

Sugawara let his tears slip.
Even if this was his imagination, it sure felt real.


"Yes, Suga?"

"Why can't you look at me the way you look at Michimiya?"

As the tears flowed out of Sugawara's eyes, this felt like a stabbing inside Daichi's heart. The silver boy had thought he lost all chances to envelope Sawamura's heart...
But oh how wrong he was. 

"Why can't you just love me back, Daichi?" Sugawara burst into sobs, letting his dormant tears finally escape. He's been bottling them in for so long that it felt like a relief to let them all out.
"I know that were both boys but, aren't I enough?" He was looking up at Sawamura with desperation in his eyes, thinking the lowest of everything. 
The intoxication made him spill his guts onto the table. 

"I'm so sorry Suga..." Daichi apologized, pulling the teary boy in.

"Why are you-"

"I love you. I love you with all my heart Koushi Sugawara." 

Daichi crashed his lips onto Sugawara's, tasting the salty tears that dripped down from the silver haired boy's eyes. 
Koushi's eyes went wide, hearing Sawamura's voice suddenly profess a love confession. He still thought this was in his head but, it felt way to real. 
So as he kissed the dark haired captain, and he hoped and he prayed that Daichi will be here the next morning.
By his side. 


'What a vivid dream that was.' Sugawara randomly woke up in his bed, wondering how could all of that feel so real.
He contemplated about it until seeing who was laying on the edge of the bed. "WAIT SO THAT WASN'T A DREAM?!" He flushed bright red, remembering everything he did since he thought it was his imagination. 

He looked down on Daichi who was sleeping peacefully despite Sugawara's screeching this early in the morning. 
Then he remembered the confession.

'So...DAICHI LOVES ME BACK?!' Sugawara's eyes sparkled like a kid in a candy store. He could feel his heartbeat quickening, and his heart throbbing with excitement...and not devastation this time. 

"You're finally up." Daichi snapped Sugawara out of his loving daze, looking up to see Koushi's bed hair. The silver haired boy suddenly blushed red once again, not prepared for Sawamura to wake up right this instant. 
He thought he would have time to prepare or something. 

"S-, uh.." Sugawara nervously stammered, trying to think of the right words to say so Daichi wouldn't take back the confession. 

"Yeah, I'm in love with you." Daichi smiled, connecting his lips with a sober Sugawara this time. 

"I lo- love you too..." Sugawara kissed the dark haired captain back, a bit shocked that he could confess so easily. 
If the silver haired boy knew this earlier, he would've professed his love for Daichi sooner. 

"I'm glad." Daichi stopped kissing Sugawara, pulling him into another hug and burying his face within the silver haired boy's shoulder. 
This caused Koushi to happily smile.

"Me too." Sugawara agreed, wrapping his arms around Daichi's broad shoulders. 

Thank you for loving me back, Daichi Sawamura.
Thank you for loving me back, Koushi Sugawara.



I hope you enjoyed this short story of Daichi and Sugawara!
Thank you for reading.
And have a good day/night.

See you again soon! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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