Part 3

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"Just a heads up, we'll be having a match against Aoba Johsai tomorrow. Early in the morning." Coach Ukai let all of the Karasuno boys know after their practice was over. 
Aoba Johsai, or Seijoh was one of the major teams that Karasuno just couldn't beat. Not because their lack of skills, it was just because Seijoh had a bit more teamwork. 

Everyone groaned hearing the words 'early in the morning' but, they were pumped for the match against Aoba Johsai. 

"We'll totally beat them!" Hinata confidently pumped his fists, everyone else agreeing. If they couldn't win, at least they all had their confidence and optimism. 
A few announcements more, and they were all dismissed to get some rest, and prep for tomorrow. 
Since it was already late, and they all had to get up early, most of them slept over at each other's house to make the commute simpler. 
That included, Sugawara and Daichi. 

"Hey Suga, you coming over to mines?" Daichi popped up from behind the silver haired boy who was packing up. It swapped between the two boy's houses, each going to each others depending on their decisions. 

"Yeah, sure!" Sugawara brightly smiled, so bright it was even a bit blinding. He loved going over to the dark haired captain's house (not because of that), because of the atmosphere that surrounded and filled the cracks of Daichi's house. 
His parents were warm, kind, and caring. Koushi had caring parents but, they were always out for their jobs so, he hardly got a chance to spend time with them.
Sawamura's house was like a second home to the silver haired setter. 

"Okay, I'll wait outside." Daichi said, walking out of the gym since his things were already packed, but Sugawara took a little longer than the others. 
The silver haired boy packed up his knee pads and everything else, coming across a stash he thought he threw away. 

'Why is this still here?' Koushi sighed to himself, tousling with the marijuana that somehow got buried deep within his bag. He thought he left it in the trash at home. 
It's terrible but the silver haired boy used it to relieve stress, and he used to do it a lot in his second year but Daichi caught him one day and made him stop. 
"Mm, I guess I'll just throw it out when I get home." Sugawara muttered, burying it under his shoes and towel. 

"Suga?" Daichi called out, popping his head into the gym, wondering why the setter was taking longer than usual. This started Sugawara, as he quickly zipped up his duffle bag. 

"Yeah, coming!" Koushi happily shouted back out, running out of the gym. 
For some reason, he felt a tinge of guilt. He remembered how hard Daichi tried to get him to quit, and if the dark haired captain found out he'd been using recently, he'd get realllyyyy upset.
'Sorry Daichi, gotta keep this hidden for a little while.'

Now with that secret, Sugawara walked alongside Daichi on the way home. 


"Here, you can use this blanket." Daichi turned around, tossing a fluffy grey blanket towards Sugawara. "Hey, it matches your hair color." He chuckled, pointing out something totally random. This made Koushi laugh, as he threw it down onto the futon on the ground. 
"Oh, I said I'd take the futon, you can have the bed Suga." 

"No it's fine. You always take the futon, plus it's your bed." Sugawara chuckled, organizing his pillows and blanket down on the ground. 
The two boys often found themselves arguing about who would take the bed or not since, the futon is sorta uncomfortable. 
Daichi just looked back and forth between the floor and his bed, and finally came to a conclusion.

"How about we just share the bed?" Daichi bluntly offered, making Suga's face go a bit red.
"It's big enough for both of us." He shrugged, not knowing what he just did to the insides of Koushi. 

"E- Eh, huh?" Sugawara got a little anxious, even though it's totally normal for two friends to share a bed. 
Daichi didn't know why but, he could see the redness plastered all over Koushi's face. It made him feel a strange sense of...happiness?

"C'mon, it's totally fine. We're friends." Daichi warmly smiled, going off to the bathroom. 

'Right, friends.' Sugawara sighed, remembering that's what they were. They were just friends.
Maybe best friends but, nothing more, nothing less. 
Even though Daichi was right, it still stung a bit. 
He didn't want to just stay friends with the dark haired captain. 


The sound of Sugawara's phone snapped him out of his melancholy daze. It was late, and he didn't expect anyone to be texting him, especially if it was his own teammates. 

Oikawa-san: hye hey mr. rerfreshing
Oikawa-san: i heard our team is vsing urs tomorrow lol

Sugawara: oikawa-san, hey 
Sugawara: why can't u spell

Oikawa-san: what r u? an old man?
Oikawa-san: who cares

Sugawara: well this 'old man' is going to sleep
Sugawara: bye

Oikawa-san: aw bye mr. refreshign
Oikawa-san: prepare to get ur ass beat ok?
Oikawa-san: bye bye
Oikawa-san: am i btohering you

'Yes, you are Oikawa.' Sugawara sighed, clicking his phone off. 
Every time they had a match against Seijoh, the silver haired boy always got text messages from their captain. They were mutual friends and all but, Oikawa just texted to brag about how they were gonna win again. 

"Well, it's late so let's go to sleep." Daichi came back into the room, startling Sugawara. The silver haired boy nodded, just agreeing to take the bed with Sawamura. 
Afterall, how can it be weird when they were just friends?

But really? 
How could just friends doze off in each other's arms?
It didn't make sense. 

And they both knew it

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