Part 4

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The sounds of volleyballs hitting palms, and shoes squeaking against the floor was a natural tune during games. 
This time, Karasuno was the one hosting the game at their gym, so Aoba Johsai had to commute their way to the school that wasn't too far from theirs. Once they arrived, both teams started to warm up, and their blood rushing through their veins for this match. 

"So today, wor-" Daichi started up before being rudely interrupted by Nishinoya and Tanaka exclaiming about something by the entrance. 

"LOOK THE GIRLS ARE HERE!" They both shouted, making everyone's heads turn that way, including Aoba Johsai's who just wanted to know what was going on. 
In the doorway stood Michimiya, and the girls' Karasuno volleyball team. Apparently, they were there to support Karasuno since Seijoh had a whole viewing audience in the bleachers.
The boys' team crowded around the girls who showed up with thumbs up, and good lucks. 

But Michimiya pulled Daichi over to the side, giving him something extra for a good luck charm. Sugawara caught a glance of this, feeling that usual stinging feeling in his chest. 
But what could he do?

They were just friends

'Oh? Mr. Refreshing, what a jealous look you have on your face.' Oikawa grinned to himself, eyeing all the commotion over on Karasuno's side. 'This is a wonderful opportunity. You'll thank me later Sugawara.' He snickered, making Iwaizumi in the back scrunch up his face, wondering what the hell their captain was doing. 

"Oi Shittykawa! Pay attention to your own team!" Iwa came up from behind Oikawa, giving him a slap in the back of the head.
This brought Tooru's attention back to his own team, making him wince because Hajime hit pretty hard (considering he's a spiker).

"Aw Iwa-chan, I'm sorry!" Oikawa innocently apologized. "You jealous?" He smirked, earning him one more slap on the back of his head. 
"Ouchhhh!" He whined, 'heh totally jealous.'

After all of that, the match between Karasuno and Seijoh had started. The teal and white team had started off very strong, taking a 8-0 lead over the crows.
But after Hinata and Kageyama's quick attacks started getting stronger, that lead started to fade as both teams were head to head. 
The match went on for around half an hour, the ball going back and forth over the net until the winning team finally emerged. 
To no surprise...

It was Seijoh hah.

"Thank you for the game!" Each team bowed towards one another, both exhausted and worn out from their game. 
Karasuno was visibly disappointed by their loss but, they only planned to get better from this. They still planned on winning against the powerhouse school, one day

'Look at her, getting all close to Daichi.' Sugawara scoffed to himself, eyeing Michimiya holding Daichi's hands in hers, as she consoled the dark haired captain from their loss. The silver haired boy didn't really feel a stinging in his chest from that, but he did feel anger. 
It was like he wasn't sad anymore that those two were close. Just agitated.
Maybe he was getting over Sawamura?

Sugawara headed back into the school that was still open since he had to use the bathroom. While he walked through the quiet halls, he could hear a faint sound of footsteps behind him. He just thought it was another one of the players coming in to also use the bathroom. 

But after he got out of the restroom, there stood Seijoh's brunette captain. 

"Mr. Refreshing! Good game today." Oikawa brightly smiled like her normally does, holding himself back from boasting at the top of his lungs. 
Sugawara could tell. 

"Good game today. Looks like your sets are getting better." Sugawara praised, undoubtedly boosting Oikawa's ago. 'But your skill to concede your pride is declining.'
But he couldn't blame the brunette haired boy for being happy about their win. If Karasuno won, they'd be ecstatic too. "That all?" He asked, about to walk out of the school building. 

Before the silver haired boy could leave, Oikawa shoved him into the wall, slamming his arm to prevent Sugawara from leaving. The pale eyed boy just scrunched his face up, reading to pound Tooru in his pretty face. 

"Andddd, what do you think you're doing?" Sugawara sarcastically smiled, wanting to know why Oikawa had him pinned to a wall. 
Tooru just grinned.

"Every time they sub you in, your skill piques my interest. Let's have some fun, hm?" Tooru seductively asked, leaning closer into Sugawara. 
The silver haired boy knew Oikawa was trying to devise something so, he just palmed the pretty boy's face back. 

"You already know I like someone, and you're dating Hajime aren't you?" Koushi asked, an annoyed look plastered all over his face. 
He didn't like when Tooru planned things because it never turned out right. 

"We're both guys, so what's the harm?" Oikawa smirked, not letting go of this facade of his. The brunette boy pressed his palm on Koushi's face, not impressing the silver haired boy. 

"Suga? What's going on here?" Sawamura's voice suddenly popped into the school building, startling Sugawara but making Oikawa grin wide. 
That grin quickly faded in a snap of a finger when his eyes found Iwaizumi who looked like a vein was about to pop out of his forehead. 

"Yeah damn Oikawa, what's going on here?" Iwa sneered, putting the full blame on Oikawa since he trusted that Sugawara had no part in the brunette boy's idiotic plan. 

"Suga, were all gonna get dinner together. Let's go." Daichi smiled, snaking his arm around the silver haired boy. His had a different sound to it. It almost sounded like the dark haired captain was somehow, jealous?
Before he took Koushi out of the school building, arm still around his shoulder, he gave a cold glare towards Seijoh's captain, sending a chill up his spine. 

'Eeek, scary.' Oikawa shivered. He forgot that Iwaizumi was still giving him a glare that was sharp enough to pierce metal. "Oh come on Iwa-chan, you know I'd never cheat on you! I was just helping out a dear friend in need." He giggled, smothering the brooding boy with kisses and hugs. 
Hajime trusted Tooru's words, knowing that this was all a plan for something. Whether it worked or not remains a mystery to these two. 

'...Why am I so angry?' Sawamura thought, feeling his fingers tremble out of anger.

Guess it did.

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