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I was feeding grapes to the Evil Queen when Maleficent, Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Jay walked into the castle. "You will go, you will find fairy godmother, and you will get me her wand. Easy peasy." Maleficent said to the four kids in front of her. I tried not to make it seem like I was eavesdropping but Evil Queen noticed and slapped my arm. "Stop listening to them and feed me more grapes." She said sternly. I swallowed a big Lump in my throat. I was scared of Jaffar and Cruella but I was terrified of Evil Queen and Maleficent. I continued to do what she told me to do and try not to pay attention to the conversation going on on the other side of the room. "E.q give her the magic mirror." Evil Queen gave me a nasty look as I start to dig through my pockets to find the mirror she told me to hold. Maleficent was about to hit me before I finally got the mirror out of my pocket. "Your lucky." She whispered to me. "This is your magic mirror?" After Evie said that I looked at Mal was staring at me with a guilty? Look on her face. Why would she feel guilty? Was it because of what the adults did to me? Or because she and her friends do nothing about it? "My book...I need my book. Y/n open the safe. I can never get this thing open." I walked over to the freezer that she calls a safe and opened it. "Tada." Maleficent gives me a very nasty look before she lifts up her hand and punches me in the stomach. I fell on the floor while Maleficent talked to her daughter. "So tomorrow you guys you will go and get me that wand, understand?" Maleficent asked all the kids except me who is still laying on the ground because Maleficent has a really strong punch. "Y/n you will do whatever the kids want you to do while you all go outside. Also, take this stuff to my shop." Jaffar ordered. I slowly got up and gathered all the stuff that jay stole and walked outside with the rest of the kids. "I'll stay out of your guy's way," I said to them because that's what they always say. "Wait," Jay called out. I turned back to them. "Yeah?" "We you where the store is." I was confused because I knew where the store was. I've done this many times before. "You don't-" "follow us." They started towards the store and I had to follow their sense it was an order. "She said 5." Evie randomly blurted out. "What?" I asked. Evie sighed, "She said that 5 kids got chosen to go to Auradon." I looked at them confused and then stopped dead in my tracts. "Am I the other kid supposed to go?" They all had a sad look giving me the answer. "Why would you tell me that? You know they won't let me go." I started to walk into the store and set everything up before walking out again. To my surprise their still there looking guilty. "Maybe we can convince the parents somehow?" Mal stated. "Why would you guys even want me to come?" "We thought you could use a chance to get away," Carlos mentioned. I looked at him sadly. "Yeah well if you could convince them that would be a miracle." I then walked into the store behind me and put all the things in my hands on their respective shelf's then walked out. When I walked back out the other 4 were gone so I went to Ursula's fish and chips to talk to Uma. "Where's Uma?" I asked as I walked into the shop. Just then Uma walked out of the kitchen. "Hey (Y/n), what do you want?" "I don't want any food," I said as I sat down at the long table by the TV. "I wanted to talk to you." "About what." She asked sitting down as well. "I was one of the kids chosen to go to Auradon. But if you don't want me to go I won't. It's not like THEY would let me leave anyway." Uma gave me a sad look. "If THEY let you go." She started before sighing "Then you could go and be okay." "Really you'd do that for me?" I gave her a happy smile and she smiled right back. "Yeah, and it would be better for you there." "Maybe it will." I smiled even more.

After Hanging out with Uma at fish and chips I went back to the castle. I walked in and saw the other vks with a smile on their faces. "What's going on?" I asked maleficent since she was closest. She turned to me with a more evil smile than the one the other four had. "You will be going to Auadon to be a servant to your sister and her friends." I wanted to scream. They did it. They actually convinced my Mom to let me go to Auadon. I went into the back room like I do every day but this time the vks followed me. "How'd you get her to agree to let me come with you guys?" I was so excited I almost missed the worried look on Evie's face. "What? What's wrong?" "They may or may not think we're gonna abuse you." "Well- well that's OK. It's not like your gonna really hit me....right?" "Of course not."

I was the last to get out of the limo before Jay threw all the stuff we didn't need back in. "Hello foxy, the name *looks Audrey up and down* Jay," Jay said walking up to a girl who just awkwardly giggles at his words. "Welcome to Auradon Prep." The older lady speaks as she moves her head in between Jay and the other girl. *Jay backs Away* "I'm fairy godmother, Headmistress." "Wait the fairy godmother? As in bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" I tuned out the rest of the conversation when I started staring at the girl Jay was trying to flirt with. I started to have this tingly feeling inside that I couldn't explain. I only started to pay attention when the girl started talking. "Prince Benjamin, soon to be King." "You had me at prince. My mom is a queen which makes me a princess." *Evie does a little curtsy* "The evil queen has no royal status here, And neither do you." Well, she didn't have to be so mean about it. I hope she didn't hurt Evie's feelings. "This Audrey." "Princess Audrey his girlfriend." I felt kind of hurt when she said she was his girlfriend. I don't why but maybe it was just the weird face she made when she said it. ( I'm too lazy to write what Ben says) Ben sticks his hand out to me and I take a step back and just stare at his hand. "shake it." Evie whispers in my ear. *Gives confused look to Evie* *Evie mouths "his hand."* "oh" I then carefully shake his hand. "Ok um follow me." (They finish the tour and go to their dorms)


I was standing next to Ben waiting for these stupid Villain kids to arrive. I don't want to show them around but Ben's forcing me to. The limo pulls up and two girls with purple and blue hair step out but two guys come tumbling out of the limo wrestling over some blanket. "You have everything else. Why do you want whatever this?" "'Cuz you want it." "Guys! We have an audience." the guys finally stood up from the ground. "Just cleaning up." "leave it like you found it and by that I mean just leave it." While fairy godmother said that a third girl steps out of the limo right before one of the boys threw the things they tried to steal back in. "Hello foxy, the names *looks Audrey up and down* Jay." One of the vks, Jay, came up to me and said. I was definitely weirded out by him and his words so I just giggled hoping he would give up. "Welcome to Auradon Prep." Fairy Godmother saved me by blocking his vision of me when she put her head between us. *Jay backs Away* I don't know why but after Jay left me alone all I can do is stare at the last girl. She looked amazing and I felt weird while staring at her. Not a bad weird but a good one and I have no I idea how to feel about it. Ben introduces himself as "Prince Benjamin, soon to be King." "You had me at prince. My mom is a queen which makes me a princess." *Evie does a little curtsy* "The evil queen has no royal status here, And neither do you." Ben then introduces me to "This Audrey." "Princess Audrey his girlfriend." I felt weird calling myself his girlfriend but I do not get why. I never felt that way when saying it until now maybe it's about that new girl.

Love can Save You       Audrey/Evie x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now