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I was heading to the outside lunch tables to confront Y/n. I know she has been lying to me about what's going on with her; on top of that, I found the dairy that she had on the Isle sitting on her bed. I'm not mad about it, I just want her to know that she can talk and not hide her feelings. "Hey E!" "Hey Y/n," I sat down next to her. "What's up?" "I know you went back to Isle." I saw her freeze in her spot, "W-what I didn't go back. If I did, I wouldn't be here." "Y/n I'm not mad. If anything I'm happy you saw Uma again." Y/n then started to relax and turn her body completely towards me. "Wait, then why did you bring it up?" "Because I want you to know that you don't have to go to the Isle to talk to someone. Really talk to someone. You can talk to me." Y/n sighed and looked down. "Uma isn't the only one who knows you inside and out Y/n. I know when you lie, when you feel down; when you want to talk to somebody but feel like you can't. You don't have to feel like that with me." Y/N smiled wide and hugged me tightly, "Thank you." "Now tell me what's going on with you; I saw your dairy on your bed, what happened?" Y/n sighs, "I act like Chad and his friends don't bother me but they do. Everything they do reminds me of mom and it gets harder and harder to sleep peacefully at night. The only reason I'm doing cheerleading is that Audrey wants me to; even though, it causes me major pain in my lower back. I just- I don't feel like I belong anywhere. Not here or the Isle-" Y/n started to sob so pulled her into me, she nuzzled her head into my neck as she continued to cry and eventually fell asleep. I looked down and smiled at her. Happy that I finally got her to open up.


I was walking to the outside cafeteria to meet up with Y/n. We were planning on going to the art room to hang out with each other and draw. When I got to the caf, I saw Y/n nuzzle her head into Evie's neck and Evie stared at her with a smile on her face. It made me kinda jealous to see them cuddled up like that but I know that she and Evie are good friends and there are some things that she can't talk to me about, so I try not to let it get to me, and walk away.

I want to forget about it and let them have their space but the picture of Evie smiling at Y/n like that won't get out of my head. I know Y/n would never cheat but that doesn't mean that Evie doesn't like her. But she's with Doug and doesn't like girls, I shouldn't be so worried. Evie was just comforting Y/n after a bad day or something. Evie was there and I wasn't. Okay, that didn't make me feel any better. You know what? I'm going to let it go. I going to text Y/n right now.

PerfectBabe❤: Hey bae! Are you busy?

MyQueen👑💋: Hey babe! Evie just went to get us some food. We were going to have a movie marathon. You wanna join?

Movie Marathon? That's our thing.

PerfectBabe❤: Sure, I would love to.

MyQueen👑💋: Great! I'll see you in a minute!

Okay, I can do this. We're just watching movies. Y/n just wanted to watch movies to feel better. That's all. *Knock Knock* "Babe! Come in. Evies not back yet." Good "So what are we watching?" "The Harry Potter movies. They're me and Evies favorite. You're okay with that right?" I hate those movies "Of course! Who doesn't love Harry Potter?" I don't. Y/n pulled me to the bed and cuddled into my side, and when Ebie came back with the food she smiled at us and sat down next to me on the bed. We were talking and laughed; even though I don't like the movies we watched, I was having a lot of fun. My worries were also eased after I saw Evie smile at us. I knew I am blowing it out of proportion and her smiling at us gave me the clarity I needed.

After the fourth movie, I had to go home because my mom wanted to tell me something it was good news. I entered the living room and saw my mom sitting with Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. "Hey, Mom, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather." "Hey, Audrey. Sit down." I sat across from her, "What did you need to tell my mom?" "Well Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather wanted to you something." I looked at where the three fairies were sitting. "You know how we used to on a spa trip once a year when you were younger?" I smiled big, "Yeah, I loved going with you guys. Why did we stop?" "We got busy helping Ben and your Mother. But now with Ben king and Philip back, they don't need our help anymore." "What does that mean?" "We can go on our spa trip again!" "Really?!" I jumped up and pulled them into a group hug. Merryweather chuckled, "Yes, we're leaving in two weeks and we're going to be gone for three days." I pulled away with a smile on my face, "I can't wait. I have to tell Y/n." I ran back out the door and sprinted to Y/n's dorm.

*Knock Knock* "Auds? I thought you were going to your mom's house?" "I-I did." "Did you run here?" Y/n let me in and I flopped down on Mal's bed because it was closest to the door. "Yeah, I needed to tell you something." Y/n sat down next to me giggling, "What is it?" "I'm going on a spa trip with my mom's fairies in two weeks." "That's awesome!" "Yeah I haven't-" Y/n's phone went off interrupting me. "Hold on. It's Mal, she needs my help." "Go." Y/n hugged me and then darted out of the room.

Love can Save You       Audrey/Evie x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now