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After Mal and Evie closed the curtains, I asked them a question. "What do you guys want me to do first? I can clean, I can get some food, I can-" "Y/n!" Evie interrupts. "Yeah?" "You don't have to do anything for us. You can do whatever you want." I looked at them very confused. "That is one thing I do not know how to do." Mal and Evie sighed and looked down. "Maybe you can go... exploring?" "Alright I will do just that. Shout if you need me." I stated before leaving the dorm, walking back down the stairs, and going straight outside. I walked the campus and it looked amazing. I was enjoying my time alone until I accidentally bumped into someone making me spill their coffee all over me. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you; I would buy you another coffee, but I don't have money, as soon as I do though I'll buy you another one." The girl finally looked up and I noticed that it was the girl from earlier. "It's fine." She mumbled. "No, it's not I really should watch where I'm going, and I swear I'll buy you another coffee." "Hey, it's okay really." "You sure?" *Audrey smiled* "Yeah. Also, I can get you a new shirt." I got so confused. I've never worn any other clothes than my simple white shirt (even though it's stained brown, black, purple all over) and my black pants with torn-Ish brown shoes. "Why would I get different clothes?" "What do you mean? You have to wear different clothes every day." "Not if you wash the clothes, you wear and wear them again." Audrey looked so surprised when I told her this. "So, you've NEVER worn any other clothes?" "Nope only this." Her eyes go wide and then she grabs my hand while dragging me to a limo. "We're going to the mall," she smiles.
Once we get to the mall I noticed how huge it was. "Whoa," I spoke while looking around and at the ceiling. "*Audrey looks towards you and smiles* come on we get you those clothes." I follow her around a lot of different stores and no matter how much I tell her she doesn't need to buy me anything she does anyway. Right now I'm carrying almost 15 bags of different clothing while we walk to this thing called a food court. "Hey, I never really got your name." She looks at me and chuckles cutely. "Audrey." I smiled, "I like Audrey. That's a pretty name." "What about you?" "My name's Y/n? Yeah Y/n." Audrey looked at me weirdly so I went to explain that no one on the isle ever called me by my real name so it took a second to remember. She said she liked my name and that we should hang out more and I agreed.
Once we were done for the day I went back to the dorm I shared with the girls and folded the clothes I got and put them on the bed so the girls could have the closet. It was 8:30 and Mal and Evie wasn't back so I decided to go to sleep on the floor like I usually would.
I woke up super early the next morning and saw Evie and Mal still asleep. I cleaned up the dorm and decided to take a shower and put on the New clothes I got yesterday.

I didn't think I looked good in it but Audrey picked it out so I kept it on

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I didn't think I looked good in it but Audrey picked it out so I kept it on. When I was finally done I heard Evie's alarm clock go off and saw her and Mal wake up. "Good morning girls," I cheered. Mal grumbled while putting the blanket back over her eyes but Evie smiled and said good morning back (she also said I looked good but I didn't believe it). I waited for them to get ready and the three of us walked to remedial goodness class. I sat in between Mal and Evie and sketch things along whit Mal but she was sketching the wand while I was sketching the four of them and Audrey. Just then this other girl walked in and squealed when she passed us. "You remember my daughter Jane." "Mom!" "*Jane turned around and looked at all of you* hi." "Hi!" I spoke while smiling big to make her laugh. (Which worked). Jane then looked at everyone else and quickly ran out of the classroom and we continued on with class. I was sitting in the bleachers watching Jay and Carlos try out for the tourney team but I was really just watching Audrey cheer while doing mine, the rest of the gang, and some other people's homework. I softly cheered when Jay scored and I saw Audrey look in my direction and smile. I couldn't stop staring at her even when she looked away. "Hey, Y/n! Come on, we're going back to the dorms." I ran to catch up with Jay but I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Hey Auds. Can I call you Auds? Is that a thing?" She laughed and I thought it was adorable but didn't have the courage to say it out loud. " It's fine y/f/I and I wanted to say that you look good in your new clothes." Once she said that my face started to heat up and I crossed my arms over my chest. I put my head down to cover up my blush. "Aww, y/f/I." I looked up through my hair into her eyes and we just stared at each other until we heard the last cheerleader drop her bag on the bleachers before picking it up and leaving. "Umm...*Audrey cleared her throat* How are you enjoying Auradon?" We started slowly walking towards the dorms as we talked. "Great actually! I've learned a lot here. Like there's something called a hug and there's this thing called dragon fruit, it looks really weird, also did you know that teenagers make their own decisions like how do you guys do that?" Audrey looked at me weirdly for a moment then sighed. "So your parents tell you what to do a lot?" I smiled. "They controlled my whole life. They tell me something I do it they hurt me for doing wrong then when I get right they hurt me for not giving them a reason to hurt me. It's how I always lived which sucked because I have OCD and that was like a routine." Audrey looked sad when I said that, especially with a smile. She stopped walking and hugged me tightly. "I think you'll learn how to live without them here. You're doing so good already." Audrey whispered in my ear. I smiled and blushed bright red, glad that she couldn't see my face. When she pulled away I realized that we were almost at my dorm. "Well, I guess I better go Auds." She nodded her head and kissed my cheek. I was as bright as a tomato by the time I walked into the dorm with the girls and boys in it.

Love can Save You       Audrey/Evie x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now