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 "We can do this... as long as we stick together." "And we won't go back until we do." I closed the door, and all four of them looked at me. "Hey, guys, what are you doing?" "Nothing much, y/n. What were you doing?" "I was doing all our homework while Jay and Carlos were practicing. Then I walked back to the dorms with Audrey." Evie sighed and walked toward me. "Why did you do our homework? We told you that you no longer have to do things for us." "I know, but it's hard to sit here and not do anything and everything." She hugged me. "I know. Just try, okay?" "I will." "Oh, I found out that fairy godmother uses her wand at the coronation, and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear of course." the other three looked at her weirdly. "What?" *knock Knock* "Hold that thought." I tried to answer the door but Mal beat me to it. "Oh, come on, I was right there." "Shh." "Hey I didn't see you guys today I was wondering if you had any questions or anything like that." "No, not that I know of." I raised my hand while saying, "Oh, I have a question is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" Mal snapped her fingers and pointed at me before turning back to Ben. He said, "Yeah the whole school goes." "Could we stand in the front row by fairy godmother so that we can soak up all that goodness?" "I wish you could but up front, it's just me, my folks, and my girlfriend." "Your Girlfriend?" "Yeah but-" "Bye Ben." Mal shut the door in bens face. "I think Benny Boo needs a new girlfriend. I need a love spell."

We were in the kitchen making a love potion for Ben so Mal can stand up front to get the wand. "Ok, we still need one tear and I never cry." "Let's just cut up some onions." "No, It needs a tear of real human sadness, and if we want the best results we have to follow it exactly." " A tear's a tear." "That's not true Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear." I gave Evie a high-five. "I knew that." "No, you didn't."

"Hey, guys I have a question." I finally spoke up. "What is it?" "What's going to happen to Audrey?" They all looked at me questionably before looking at each other and around the room. "I don't know Y/n." Just then Lonnie walked in. She said that a lot of girls wanted Mal to do her hair. She then started talking about how moms should treat you when you're sad. "It's different where we come from." "I know I just thought, even villains love their kids." The other four stared at me while I continued to look at Lonnie. I noticed she was crying so I wiped her tears away and put them in the bowl as I turned her around. "I'm fine Lonnie. How about I come and do the girls' hair so Mal can finish the cookies." "Alright, um, follow me." "Bye, guys." I then followed Lonnie out the door to the dorm room where all the girls were.

*Time skip To That Night*

After I got done doing all the girls' hair, I went back to the dorm to see that Evie and Mal were still awake. "Hey, what are you guys still doing up?" Mal answered, "We were waiting for you to get back." "Oh, okay." I looked over to my bed and noticed that all the clothes were gone. "Why did the clothes on my bed go?" "We put them in the closet so you could sleep on it," Evie spoke as she moved to sit on the chair at her sewing machine. "But, I sleep on the floor." They both sighed. "Could you try and sleep on it, at least for tonight?" "Okay, just for you guys," I smiled. I took off my Jacket and put it on the hook, while I took off my shoes and put them by the door. I slowly walked and got onto the bed not knowing what to expect but when I hit the mattress it was the softest thing I have ever felt in my entire life. "Oh my gosh!" Mal and Evie laughed when they heard my outburst. I got under the blankets and cuddled with one of the pillows and went to sleep instantly.

The next morning was the big tourney home game. It was the first game that Jay and Carlos would get to play (obviously). Today is also the day that mal would give Ben his love cookie but I was really worried about that. I wasn't worried about if the possession would work or not, I was worried about Audrey. What was going to happen to her? How was she going to feel when Ben broke up with her? How was Ben even going to break up with her? I hope that no matter what happens Audrey doesn't get hurt. I really want to protect her for some reason. I wasn't going to be there when Mal gave the cookie to Ben because I was going to be with Audrey, which is where I was heading right now. "Hey, Auds!" I said when I finally reached her locker. "Hey, Y/f/I! What are you doing here? You're usually with the other four in the morning." "Yeah but I'd rather be here with you." She smiled and looked away from me for a few seconds. "So, Y/f/I are you going to the game today? I know you don't like big crowds." "I don't but I want to be there for Jay and Carlos, It's their first game. I'm also not going to miss my favorite cheerleader," I said the last part while nudging her shoulder. She laughed and we walked to class together. 

Love can Save You       Audrey/Evie x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now