Chapter 5

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I walk downstairs and follow the scent coming from the kitchen. Mari must be making something delicious again.

"Good morning" I greet her as I enter the kitchen and she quickly turns towards me, a big smile plastered on her face. "Good morning dear. Hungry?" At that moment my stomach grumbles. "Starving" I answer and she chuckles. 

"Good to hear. Can you help me set up the table while I finish up?" Mari asks as she gives attention to the French toast she is making. "Of course" I reply and she hands me the plates we'll be using. I hold them with both of my hands and make my way towards the dining table almost dropping them at the sight before me.

Lorenzo. Sitting at the table and drinking something. Coffee I suppose. I walk towards him and put down the plates. "Good morning" I let out quietly as I'm setting everything out. He just quickly glances at me and nods his head before focusing on his phone. He is either in a bad mood or he just doesn't want to talk to me at all. I ignore it anyway and try not to take it personally as it might be better for him to not talk to me after last night. I still feel the embarrassment I felt yesterday.

I go back to the kitchen and grab the glasses we might need if someone wants to drink something with breakfast. I see Mari bringing a full plate of French toast to the dining table as I go back into the kitchen for the third time and take the toppings we'll eat with the toast.

After everything is set out we all dig in and start eating, even including Lorenzo, but he didn't have a choice after Mari practically shoved a piece of toast into his mouth and threatening him she will not allow him to leave the house without eating anything.

As we were enjoying breakfast, the doorbell rang making everyone turn their heads towards the door. Before anyone had a chance to get up and open it there were footsteps approaching us and shortly after a young man rounded the corner and walked towards us.

"Lucas dear, how lovely to see you" Mari chirped and gave the man a hug as he leaned down so she doesn't have to get up.

"Mari! How's my favorite lady doing?" he smiled sweetly at her making her blush and hit his chest lightly. I smiled at the sight, still not knowing who he is but loving the encounter they are having.

"Still smooth with words I see" Mari chuckled. "You must be having ladies surrounding you".

He smirked a little before replying to her. "That might be true, but you are still my favorite" he taped her nose making her shake her head at him. "Just take a seat and have something to eat". He nodded before greeting Lorenzo and sitting next to him. When he lifted his head up, he finally noticed me, his eyes widening.

"Oh you must be Aria, this idiot's wife" he chuckled earning a glare from Lorenzo. "I'm Lucas Alfieri" he held out his hand. I put my hand in his expecting him to shake it but instead, he gently kisses it, surprising me. I look away and see Lorenzo staring at our hands. 

"It's nice to finally meet you" Lucas smiles at me after he pulled away and lets go of my hand. "It's nice to meet you too" I quietly reply and look down, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. Lucas is Lorenzo's age or close to it from what I can tell. He has light brown hair that is nicely styled. He is wearing a black suit that hugs his body perfectly and from that I can tell he is built nicely. Almost as nicely as Lorenzo is, but Lucas is a little bit smaller in the built. And he has the most contagious smile I've seen, a smile that makes you smile.

"What a gentleman" Mari aws at him making Lorenzo roll his eyes. "I'll be waiting in the car. Hurry up" Lorenzo says to Lucas but Lucas just waves his hand while enjoying the breakfast Mari made.

"So Aria, how do you like it here? Is Lorenzo treating you right?" Lucas asks as he takes another piece of toast and some jam to spread on it.

"I suppose...if not talking to me at all and his cold aura are his way of good treatment" I say making him chuckle. I hear Mari sigh before getting up and taking the plates we don't need anymore. I offer to help but she kindly rejects it. "That idiot. Don't worry, he'll come around. If he doesn't I'll teach him a lesson" he says making me smile a bit.

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