Chapter 29

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"I have a surprise for you..."

She brings her hands in front of her and my eyes widen when she reveals what she's been hiding.

I shoot my eyes to meet hers and see if she is serious about this but she quickly looks away and bites her plump lips again. "I hope it's a good one..." She whispers as if she is uncertain of my reaction but I smile and get up so I can stand in front of her.

"Are you serious?" I cup her cheek and caress it while I wait for her answer. "Yes." She nods and looks me in the eyes but makes my smile widen even more.

"Then it's a good one." I make her smile with my answer but take her in my arms and spin her around out of happiness. I'm finally going to be a father, with my little woman as the best mother in the world.

"I love you so much baby, you don't even know how happy you just made me." I put her down but feel tears sliding down my cheeks. She smiles brightly as she wipes my cheeks but I lean in and capture her lips again to be close to her.

I'm so happy.

I rub her stomach when we pull away and she chuckles but does the same. "Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?" She traces her finger up and down her stomach but looks at me softly.

"I don't care about gender, all it matters to me is that the baby is fine and healthy." I smile at her but go down on my knees to leave a kiss on her stomach. 

I know that it's still early and that the baby isn't formed yet but I just can't help myself. Knowing that we'll be parents makes me so fucking happy and I can't wait to meet the little creation of ours.

"I don't care about that either, I just want our baby to be well." She runs her fingers through my hair as I'm still on my knees with my head leaned on her stomach. She smiles down at me as I kiss her belly one more time before getting up and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"We need to get everything ready. Clothes for the baby, a crib, a car seat, stroller, a pacifier-"

"Hey, relax, we still have plenty of time for that." Aria chuckles as she cups my cheek and I smile as I take a deep breath. She's right, I'm just excited.

As I was about to say something there was a hard knock on the door and Lindsey's voice followed after. "Aria, are you okay!? Do I need to beat his ass?! I've got the baseball bat right here with me you just need to let me in!"

My woman laughs and heads over to the door but I can't seem to return it since I know that Lindsey is capable of doing exactly what she just said.

She opens the door but I take a step back when I see the look Lindsey sends my way. Aria steps in front of her when Lindsey tries to get to me and stops her from doing any damage to me.

"Lindsey, everything is fine. We're okay." Aria turns towards me and sends me a smile that I return, but it quickly disappears when I switch my eyes back on Lindsey. She still looks mad.

"So you didn't cheat on her? Because I swear if I-" She lifts the bat but Aria stops her again while chuckling at her. "Seriously Lindsey, we're fine, relax. You don't want me to raise this baby alone now do you?"

Aria giggles but makes both me and Lindsey laugh. The scary woman finally puts the bat down so I go and explain everything. Emily joined our conversation as well and they both looked shocked and disgusted that someone would do something like that to us, to Aria.

"I swear I will find her and I will-" Lindsey lifts the bat again and I shake my head as my little woman laughs and tries to take the bat away from her. Emily finally calms her down and we stay a little bit longer at their house so we can have lunch together.

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