Chapter 20

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I open the door to my room which is now our room and close it after Aria. We walk to the bathroom that is connected to the room and I lift Aria so she can sit on the counter.

She lets out a soft laugh which makes me smile and lean down to kiss her on the lips. I grab the hem of her shirt and she lifts her arms so I can take it off. Then I grab the edge of her shorts and she lifts her hips so I can take it off as well leaving her in just her underwear.

I peck her lips and take her hands to put them on me. "Take my clothes off" I whisper on her lips and she does as told. I could do that by myself but I just love it when she is the one doing it.

She starts unbuttoning my dress shirt and keeps her eyes on my naked chest when she takes it off. God, I love her eyes on me. She unbuckles my belt next and unzips my pants pulling them down my legs. I step out of them and push them to the side, looking up at her to see her eyes roaming my whole body.

"You like the view baby?" I smile and she blushes taking her lip between her teeth. She nods and puts her hands on my chest and I heave a sigh. I love it when she touches me. I feel my dick twitch as her hands go lower and lower nearing my boxers and I put my hands on her thighs and squeeze making her let out a quiet moan.

I lean in and kiss her neck, leaving traces of open-mouth kisses until I reach her ear. "Take them off" I whisper and soon I feel her fingers on the edge of my underwear. She brushes her fingers past my member and I bite her skin at the feel of it before she pulls my boxers down.

I step out of my underwear and put her down from the counter. I take her panties off and crouch down to help her step out of them and then kiss my way up her legs and stomach till I reach her bra. Her skin is covered in goose bombs and I smile at the effect I have on her.

I sneak my hands behind her back and unhook her bra, sliding it down her arms before throwing it somewhere on the bathroom floor.

I open the shower door and we step in before I turn the warm water on. The showerhead above us is big enough for both to get covered in water and I pull her closer just to have my hands on her.

She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down, surprising me with a kiss. I slide my hands down her back till I reach her ass and squeeze while at the same time I bite her lower lip making us both smile into the kiss.

She moans when I slide my tongue in her mouth and my dick twitches again just by the sound of it. I feel her one hand grab the back of my neck and pull my hair which makes me groan into the kiss while her other hand travels down my chest then my abs. Her fingers trace my v line and I moan when I feel her hand wrap around my cock.


She starts moving her hand up and down slowly and I feel myself get hard in her hand. We breathe hard when we pull away from the kiss and I lean my forehead on hers. My hands keep going up and down her back, squeezing her skin when her thumb swipes over my sensitive tip.

This girl is full of surprises, I did not expect her to do this, and when I thought she can't surprise me more she goes down on her knees while still pumping my hardness.

"Baby..." I breathe out. "You don't have to do that".

"But I want to. I want to pleasure you...I just don't know how" she says timidly and I look at her taking a deep breath. This girl is going to be the death of me.

"Okay, just hollow your cheeks and try to not use your teeth, go slowly and at your own pace and if you don't like it you can stop, I won't mind okay baby?".

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