Geting the job

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While at your home you where looking for a job(oh and you havena brother name Aron and your mother past away) Aron found a job that you can have at Freddy Fazbear pizzayou loved that place so you tooked as a night gard you said ok for the job and called the person phone number and said "Your hired so your shift starts at 12:00 to 6:00 ok?" they said you said ok too and that you waited and lookes at the t.v.


When you look at the time 11:40 you say "Oh the shift I need to go now," you put your night gard unitform them runto the car and drove off. When you made it it was 11:55 you were walking to the office and you waited there. At the struck of the moment it is 12:00 o'clock the phone is ringing. You picked it up and your where hearing the call. After the cal, was done you check the camras and see that bonnie is gone"WUT BONNIE IS GONE AWW COME ON!" you yelled and check that bonnie is at the back stage.

Freddy pov

There is a new night gard so I decid to go out at the party room I look at the caram with my eyes turning to pich black and the puplis are white looking at the camra waiting till it looks around.

Your pov

You looked back at the stage and you see that FREDDY IS GONE you yell "AWW COME ON NOW FREDDY" you wimper and you hear the song you looked around, but wasnt there he is at the kichen and looked up at the screen disable camra. You sigh and shiver you look at the doors you saw that bonnie is at the door you screamed and clouse the door. Next Freddy is coming your favrote charter going to kill you and stuff you. You check the light he was there,but you heard the news along ago that he attacks you when you put the camra down and he kills you, but right now he's just standing there. In you mind was thinking why is he just standing there

Freddy pov

When I was about to attack I rembered her her eyes winden and the color (e/c) with scarned I walk in and say "(Y-y/n) is that you?" I said. She said yes,but she backed away from me I look down case she was butiful and she sing the gratest and I sat down and look at her. "(Y/n) your s-still m-my best freind right and I want to tell you something," I craw to her and wisper at her ear so no one knows"(Y/n) I I loved you sicn I have laid eyes on you,"

Your pov

You blushes a bit and he saw that and insteed he kiss me on the cheek and he blush too I hug him and he huged back pating my back.


*sniff* Freddy Im crying

Freddy: its ok *hugs her*

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