Attacked fin

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Freddy pov 12:55

"BONNIE FOR THE LAST TIME I SAID (Y/N) IS MY GIRL FREIND NO YOURS!" I starts to scream but he dosent lison at all. "NO SHE MY GIRL FREIND YOU ALL WAYS GET THE GIRLS!" "NO YOU DO AND I CAN TELL YOU DONT LIKE THEM AT ALL!" I growled and start to get his fur off and arm too and I remeber where going to be remove too. The I hear foot steps come its (y/n), chica and foxy "LADDIE STOP NOW PLEASE!" foxy yell out even though Im the leader I didnt stop but I see (y/n) crying and then I stop.

Bonnie pov

Ha so now foxy and chica here now Ill atack then right now. I takled foxy but he got me first he ripped my front head off even thought the people dont care any more but (y/n) dosent know yet

Your pov

Foxy riped his front head I coved my eyes and hug freddy then I saw bonnie riped freddy fur off alot almost showing his endoskeliton I look at freddy "Freddy your fur-" he cuts off "I know" and starts to hug me I hug.

You shine my heart: Freddy Fazbear X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now