It time to deliver but it can only live for 5 weeks Pt.2

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(A/n before I start it; your in the hospiate but you know the tittle)
Freddy pov
"Push keep going! Miss (l/n)! Almost out!" the docter said (Y/n) got my hand and squesed it tight,"Come on (Y/n)! You can do it!" Chica said. Then pop out the baby,"Its a boy!" The docter said. I was supried and cried in happenis as I every can. The docter handed the baby to (Y/n) arms,"Its Fred.Jr Freddy," She said I wipped me tears,"Yes it is,"
I said,"Ok now chica is the sister,Bonnie is the brother and Foxy is the uncle," She said smilling at them,"and my brother as an uncle? (Y/n)," I said,"Yes and he reminder me if he died he was sorry for all the fighting," She said smilling,"We should keep the baby here for a few days ok miss (l/n)?" The nurce said,"All right,"

Tew werest go deleted nuu!
Oh and shout out to kittenlikerlover69for chearing me up to be happy

Peace my little Plushys

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