Happy birthday (A/N)

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(Y/N)- your name

(E/C) eye color

(H/L) hair leanth (lol i cant spell)

(H/C) hair color

(ok on to the story)

You were 7 years old for a birthday paty at Freddy Fazbear Pizza! "(Y/N) COME ON LET'S GO" your mom yelled. "OK MOM" you also yelled. You went run to the car,then the both of you went to Freddy Fazbear pizza. You were very excied to go in there. After the ried, you ran in there and saw Freddy your favroite charter. There were also Chica,Bonnie and Foxy in pirte cove. "H-Hey you b-birthday girl," you hear Freddy."H-Hello and h-happy birthday,"said Chica "H-Hey there p-pal H-Happy birthday w-wahts your name," Bonnie said. "My name is, (Y/N)," you said. "W-well then guys l-lets sing for her," Freddy said. "Iy dont ye foget mee," Foxy says coming out of the curties. "Can I sing with you guys?" "O-ok" Freddy said. (Wow I did to much freddy meh) After the song you and the gang it was all most 8 o'clock your mother yelled"COME ON (Y/N) ITS TIME!" your mother said "OK MOM CAN I HAVE 1 MORE MINTEN PLZ!" you said yealling then you mom comes then she said "Ok only 1 minte its ok if its long,but not to long," your mom said then goes to a chair a waits for you."Sory I've to go Freddy," you said "I-Its ok you can come any time at you b-bithday,"Freddy said. You smiled and walk to mom then droved off to the house.

You shine my heart: Freddy Fazbear X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now