Was it a dream,vision, or nightmare? Pt.2

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(If you want to see the preveios one got to Shaodw Freddy X Author (me)mStory) I woke up a dressed for the morning. I desided to go to the neighbors house the one yetorday of Catalina and Shadow house, there number is 369 only a copple houses down. I knock on the door,"Hi (Y/n)," Catalina said letting me enter her house,"Where Shaodw?" I asked,"Umm well.. Lets say that mambye he go a vision but he said 'there was chareter with a moth as a stomic' I dont know what it is but he was acting as a man now. He just lifting weights now," She said,"Ok," I said. We were sitting on the couch talking about what happen with over lives.

Shadow Freddy pov
'I didnt know who he was but the voise sound familler, Agh! Whatever if he hurt my catalina and my freind Freddy gang and his family.. I suck up punch his face' I was getting anger and lifted 5,000 pound weighets--dropping it making Catalina and (Y/n) supried -- I started panting and growling,"Shadow! Whats wrong?!" she said. I started to get sharp teeth and claws but I am still kind for Catalina I gust want to kill this son of a bitch,"Nothing,Catalina its nothing," I said,"But Shad-" "Its nothing Catalina!" I said yealling. I stop and froze,"C-Catalina Im so sorry I dont know whats happening to m-" "Theres nothing happening to you................Shadow," I gasped,"You..." I said.

Im saving te rest for the next one and the next one is at Shaodw Freddy X Author(me)

Pease my little plushys!

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