Drunk mistake

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I was a fine day with me and freddy, then I see freddy K-KISSING ANOTHER GIRL,"Oh hey (y/n) met my new girlfreind," I look at her and its THATS MY BULLIY AT PAST SCHOOL'S she snickers,"F-Freddy.....HOW CUDE YOU!" I said yealling and runing away to the house crying.

"ARON!"  I said yealling to him and huging him too,"What happen (y/n)," he said,"My boyfreind betraided me from another girl," I said but in sadness,"Shhhh it ok," he said huging me now my heart is broken...

Freddy pov(now not drunk)
I wake up but not in my room its some random girl room,"Hello houny~" I heard,but its not (y/n) vouis,"W-Who are you and I'm not yours I'm (y/n) boyfreind," I said she didnt say anything untill I remeber ' she gave me a beer and gave me more so i cant rember',"you broken her heart........YOU BROKEN HER HEART!" I yealled and grabing her throut making her chouk,"I i m sorry!" she said,but I didnt lison,"IF HER HEART IS BROKEN THEN YOU HAVE NO HEART!" I yealled making my eyes going black and my pupiles wihte. I riped her heart out of her chest blood come out of her. I walk off to say sorry to (y/n).
After walking I see her house,"(y/n) open the door please it was her falt she made me drunk," I said she opens the door sadness all over her and tears over her cheeks,"snif Is it true freddy," "Its true, I said giving her a bear hug then I hear foot-steps coming here,"Hey who ar-" "Oh thats my brother aron," she said now wiping her tears,"Hello aron," "Hi Whats your n- "My name is Freddy Fazbear or for short Freddy," I said by cuting him off, Ok hi freddy," he said,"Come on (y/n) let go.

It a happy ending  :D

You shine my heart: Freddy Fazbear X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now