Welcome Party (AstroxOC)

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Summary: A party is held to welcome a new member to the group of masks. (Astronaut x OC)

Also, headcanon here that Astronaut crash landed in town about a year ago and is now roommates and best pals with Turtle (I low-key ship the both of them too but they won't be shipped together in this main AU-I might do another story with them though, who knows?)


"You have a cousin?" Kitty exclaimed in surprise.

"Don't a lot of people?" Night Angel asked back, raising an eyebrow with amusement.

"Well, this is the first time you've ever brought up your cousin in front of us, to be fair." Kitty pointed out with a shrug. "Annnd it's to tell us that she's moving in with you next week."

"Yeah, why didn't you mention her earlier?" Banana asked inquisitively.

"She's a really quiet mask most of the time. Keeps to herself a lot and she isn't that comfortable around people she doesn't know." Night Angel explained, as her friends listened intently. "I still remember our family gatherings. It took her two months to warm up to me."

The other masks nodded slowly with understanding.

"If that's the case...then don't mind asking, but why is she moving in with you?" Turtle brought up.

"She-" Night Angel paused for a moment, before continuing. "She wanted to start afresh somewhere."

Turtle almost looked as if to ask something more, but didn't, recognising the implication of a touchy subject.

"But I'm sure she'll like all of you." Night Angel assured everyone with a smile. "Once she gets to know you guys a little more."

"Maybe we can throw a welcoming party for her," Banana suggested brightly. "That way we can all introduce ourselves and have fun!"

"Sure, but don't make it too wild, she's not big on that..."

As everyone else enthusiastically jumped on the idea of welcoming Night Angel's cousin to town with a party, one particular mask stayed quiet.

This would make the first new mask in town since Astronaut had crash landed here. Even though his original goal had been to repair his ship as soon as possible and resume his space explorations, he was now permanently staying with Turtle, who had become his closest friend in the process.

Needless to say, it had been a while since Astronaut had interacted with anyone before that, and even now, he wasn't sure if everyone other than perhaps Turtle considered him part of the community. He wasn't expecting to become best friends with Night Angel's cousin, but he hoped at least that he wouldn't give her the wrong impression.


It was afternoon the following week when Night Angel's bright purple car was seen pulling into her driveway.

"Hey dude, look!" Turtle chirped, having happened to glance up from watching television. "Night Angel's cousin is here."

Astronaut looked at the window where Turtle was gesturing, catching sight of Night Angel getting out from one side of the car, while another mask appeared at the other side.

She too, was an angel, but her clothes and wings were a combindation of white, pastel blue and silvery grey, in contrast to Night Angel's deep purple and neon pink. While Night Angel's hair was feathery pink, her cousin's hair was in pale silvery blue curls, and she seemed a fair bit shorter too.

The Angel walked to the back of the car, getting out a light grey suitcase. The two of them walked into the house, any further observation obscured by Turtle's sea-green curtains.

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