Back In MaskTown (Season 5 Eliminated Masks)

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Russian Dolls were definitely one of my favourite contestants this season, still upset that they're gone 😕 Robopine, Crab, Seashell and Yeti were all good too though. I predicted Robopine would be in the Top 3, and was stunned when he got unmasked.

(Also I know the smaller dolls are the same size but I'm going to make them different sizes to kind of portray whose older/younger - also cuz I thought it was a fun idea that the Russian Dolls could kind of hide in each other if necessary. Like if anyone is familiar with the children's show Higglytown Heroes?)

Summary: The latest contestants from Season 5 return to Masktown. Minor Astro x OC towards the end. (Angel has been in Masktown for a little over a month by now)

Angel looked around curiously.

"This is where they'll be dropped of at?"

Sun had walked her out of the busier parts of Masktown, to a lone bus stop. There was already a significant crowd of unfamiliar masks under its shelter, talking quietly amongst themselves.

Sun nodded.

"Yep. Come on, I'll introduce you to the others."

As the pair approached, the group of masks gradually took notice, cheerfully greeting Sun and the newcomer.

"Guys, this is Angel, Night Angel's cousin." Sun said, lightly ushering her forward.

"Actually, you can also call me Day Angel if it's too confusing," Angel added with a smile. "Banana suggested the nickname, and I've kinda grown used to it now."

"Nice to meet you, Day Angel!"

The first to speak was a rather stylishly dressed figure with glittering accessories, who enthusiastically shook her hand.

"My name's Seashell, and these-" She motioned to each other contestant and introduced them accordingly. "Are Crab, Raccoon, Phoenix, Snail, Orca and Grandpa Monster."

Each corresponding mask nodded and waved to Angel as their names were called.

"Uh...where's Bulldog?" Sun asked.

"I think he's busy hosting a show right now." Orca explained, shrugging. "He did want to be here to welcome the others back, but yeah."

The distant rumbling of an engine caught their attention.

"Ah, that should be their bus right now!" Grandpa Monster said, hobbling steadily forward with his walker and waving a claw at the vehicle as it came up the road.

A purple coloured bus with neon accents rolled to a gradual stop at the station, opening its doors to let down its passengers.

The first to emerge was a dark brown porcupine, who cautiously manoeuvred himself through the open doors to avoid hitting anything with his quills. Fascinatingly, one side of his body was plated with some kind of metal armour, and his right eye appeared to be a glowing red implant.

The next to exit the bus were a trio of wooden, beautifully painted nesting dolls. Given their bulky shape, the group quickly steadied themselves as they hopped down the steps, avoiding bumping into one another.

The last to come out was a creature with snowy white fur and icy blue eyes. He slowly stooped down before walking through the door, his movements surprisingly light and agile for such a large figure.

As the bus headed off, the other masks crowded around the three and exchanged handshakes and hugs, happy gestures all around.

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