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I spent the rest of the day crying my eyes out, I cried so much that my eyes began to hurt. This feeling that I was feeling I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I wouldn't go to sleep until he came back nor eat until I knew he was safe. Sasuke went out to go find him but with no luck, at all, he was gone.

"Sakura, do you want some food?"

I knew I should eat but my body wouldn't let me. Every time I would eat I would just throw it back up and I hated it because I'm not only neglecting myself but my child. I just felt so sick to my stomach. "No thank you." After hearing the door shut I rolled over to his side of the bed. I could not bring myself to even utter his name right now. If I do, I would just cry some more with the little tears I have left.

I finally managed to fall asleep that night but my nightmare was relieved that morning. He was still nowhere to be found. The morning sickness came around and I threw my guts up once again in the toilet then it was followed by a killer headache.

"I searched all around the village and he is still nowhere to be found." The bed sunk in on the side where I would originally be sleeping. His hand touched my shoulder, rubbing it slightly.

"That idiot really needs to come back because I'm not good at this type of stuff." The comment made me giggle for the first time in hours. It actually felt good to be happy for a split second.

"It's okay Sasuke I know he will be back for us." The bed felt lighter again and then the door shut. I listened to the rain that was pouring outside. I bet he was all cold and wet or was he with another woman getting all cozy and warm. The thought floated through my head. I grabbed some clothes then my umbrella and headed out the door.

Walking through the streets the first place I checked was the ramen shop. Then the training grounds but he was nowhere to be found. His old apartment was closed due to construction. I knew I had to go to the only person who knew Naruto inside and out.

"Iruka Sensei." I knocked on the door three times waiting for an answer. I heard footsteps approaching the door softly. My nerves were so bad. What would I do if he were in here? What would I say if he was in there?

"Sakura....what are you doing in the rain please come in." He ushered me to his living room couch. The feeling of the soft cotton blanket that was wrapped around me felt so good. "Tea or coffee."

"Tea please." I looked around his living noticing all of the pictures he had of Naruto. He had a small picture of all of my classmates from the academy sitting right next to them. He also had a picture of Naruto and I on the swing that he used to swing on back in the academy.

He came back into the living room with a tray filled with tea and cookies. He handed me a glass before he sat down next to me. "Here you what's going on?"

"I am looking for Naruto. He left the house yesterday and hasn't been back since."

I sipped my lemon-flavored tea waiting for his reply. "He came by yesterday and this morning to speak to me." he lifted an eyebrow eyeing me suspiciously "You guys didn't happen to get in a fight...he was angry and sad... I've never seen him like that."

My heart began to ache. We both were shaken up by our argument last night. Not only that but we said some very harsh words to one another. "Do you know where he went?"

"He came by last night but he left this morning. Naruto didn't hurt you did he....... I raised him better than that."

"Oh no, he would never......" I laughed lightly....he would never physically hurt me. "We are just going through a lot as of right now."

"Well that's normal in any relationship but whatever happened yesterday, Naruto was very hurt by it. The last time I saw that kid cry was Jiraiya's death."

I held the teacup in my hands watching the tea bounce off the walls of the cup. Nausea came back and my head felt light. "Where's the restroom?" He pointed to the back of the house and I dashed off in the direction of the restroom. Nothing came up but I kept gagging only bile from my stomach. It burned so badly I could barely breathe. My body kept lurching forward from me gaging.

"Have you eaten anything today?"

I shook my head no. To be honest I haven't eaten anything in two days who could when you would just throw it back up. I held my stomach still feeling myself gag again, the room kept spinning and spinning. It was built on top of stress and no one was there to help me.

"Can you walk me home please?" I could barely get the words out; they came out in a whisper. I felt my body go limp, my body was fighting against itself. I haven't eaten in two days, I stayed up all last night, the stress from the fight and the baby then the thought of not being stable pushed me overboard. How could someone not be stressed from this nightmare I was living in.

Iruka sensei walked me home, to my surprise no one was there. I went back to the place where I was once before. Lying on my side on Naruto's side of the bed, he still was nowhere to be found; only a few had seen him. The last thing I wish for is him to end up dead which is very unlikely.

The door of the house slammed shut then I heard mumbled curse words. The footsteps got louder as they came to my door. At first, I thought it was Sasuke but it opened revealing a very badly bruised Naruto, he was standing in his own pool of blood, gashes all over his face and body.

"What the hell happened to you." My heart started to slam against my chest. I sat on my knees reaching out for him to come to me but he didn't.

"Why aren't you asleep?"

"Why are you bleeding, what happened?" I yelled feeling my emotions come up to my throat.

"Nothing happened to me Sakura."

"I'd be damned if nothing happened to you Naruto. I have busted my ass today looking for you and you come back home bleeding out everywhere so you're going to tell me now Naruto Uzumaki!"

"I went on a two-day mission to clear my head. Sensei sent me alone because I asked him to. Some idiot ninjas who were mad about the war to attack me, it's nothing I handled them." I watched as he shifted on his feet shoving his hands in his pockets. I knew there was more to get out of him.

"Get in the tub."

Panic arose on his face, " you're not washing me."

I grabbed him by his wrist pulling him into the bathroom. "Strip now." I leaned on the counter crossing my arms as he stripped. There were more scars than I could possibly count some from the war and some from his mission. That actually hurt the most. Whenever I saw him hurt I felt a part of me die.

I made sure the tub was steaming hot before he got in. He sat in the tub causing it to turn brown. He didn't even bother to look me in my face."Iruka said he saw you today so that meant he was lying to me? His body jerked as I washed over a deep cut on his chest. "No, I sent a clone before I left so no one would know where I was at."

"Why would you do that? Do you know what could have happened to you!?"

"Nothing happened to me Sakura I'm fine you're just overreacting." He slouched down further in the tub rolling his eyes. There was something about his attitude that nearly drove me insane.

"As I should Naruto." He was pissing me off but that didn't stop me from bathing him as if he was my child. I still cared for scratch that I was in love with him and my feelings for him will never change no matter the circumstances.

"You should leave, all these chemicals on my body are bad for the baby, give me a minute and I'll come out."


"I'll fix you some ramen when I get out, maybe we can talk like actual adults?"

"Okay." I smiled at him walking out of the restroom sitting on the bed like an actual dork grinning from ear to ear. My hormones were going crazy one minute I was pissed off with him and the next I was head over for heels for him.

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