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A/N: I didn't post the short story because I found a way to write this. It was written in one day so please don't mind the grammar errors. I'll go back and fix them later. ENJOY!

After Konohamaru dragged all of the boys into the house I went to take a long hot bath. I made sure the water wasn't too hot or else it could harm the baby. After the bath, I made my rounds around the house. Kato, Konohamaru and Sasuke were in one room. Kato and Konohamru were sharing a bed while Sasuke was in the other one. I quietly closed the door and made my way towards my room. I peeked in to see if my boyfriend was still asleep. He looked so peaceful, he probably hasn't received a full 8 hours of sleep in weeks.

I was still upset at the fact that Naruto and Sasuke had a falling out but on the other hand, it probably relieved some stress that they were holding in. Naruto told me how he saw signs of Sasuke having a panic attack after they received the dead body from the tunnel. I felt so bad for him, I knew he was diagnosed with PTSD and that probably triggered it. He was never the type to open up and talk about his feelings but he told Naruto how those dead bodies in the tunnels really fucked with him.

I was on my way to bed but I needed to take one of my supplements. I have found out that drinking tea with it made it go down easier plus our baby really loved tea. I grabbed the tea kettle and filled it with water. I placed the kettle on the stove so the water could boil. "Where are those pills?" I glanced around the kitchen looking for the pills. The last place I had them was the living room. After we came in from outside I placed them in the kitchen.

I walked out into the living room for my pills. It was still a wreck but at least the couches were intact.

"Are you looking for these?"

The voice led to the other end of the living room. There was a man standing in the living room. He had my pill bottle in one hand and a scroll in the other. A laugh escaped his lips as he began to walk closer to me.

"Who are you?"

"We haven't met yet but I'm Tezo and you're Sakura Haruno."

He extended his hand out for me to shake but I politely declined. He motioned for me to sit on the couch. Instead of walking to the couch, I tried to run to the room where Naruto was. He quickly grabbed me, pulling me towards his body. He harshly grabbed my chin making me look up at him. His mouth was inches away from my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck.

"I have a kunai pointed at both of the boy's throats so if you don't want them to die I'd advise you to comply. Do you understand me?" I shook my head lightly. "Good, I'm not here to cause any problems...well not yet. I'm here because you guys have something that I want."

"Fuck off!" I spat harshly, I tried to remove myself from the grasps of his hands but it was pointless. He must have planned to attack me when I was low on my medications. I could barely even run, my legs were minutes away from giving out.

"Not until you give me the stone."

I scoffed, "What stone?"

He released my chin from his grasp. He pulled me onto the couch forcing me to sit there. Tezo took a seat across from me with his elbows on his knees and his hands on his cheeks. A smile was plastered on his face. "The stone that you guys have. I'm not dumb, I know you have it."


A sinister laugh escaped his lips. He sat back in the chair crossing his legs as he did. He had one arm draped across the chair while the other one was in his lap.

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