Kato's POV (Bonus Chapter)

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A/N: Teheheheh, don't fight me but this is long overdue 

For the third time this morning I rolled over trying to get comfortable, the sunlight that was shining through the window was hurting my eyes. I was too tired to get up and do anything about it. I was mentally drained from Ino-san picking through my brain for hours. I just wanted to go back to sleep and wake up the next day.

The bed creaked for the fourth time, I merely cringed at the sound of it. The bed that I had wasn't the best but it was better than sleeping on a cold, moldy, floor. The conditions of my old house were ruthless, I am beyond grateful to even have a bed to sleep on.

"Kato if you roll over one more time I'm going to kill you." Sasuke barked, he was currently laying on the floor of the room. The bed was big enough for the both of us but he refused to sleep beside me.

I scoffed, "I don't speak to people who have commitment issues."

"What!?" My back was turned to him but I could hear every move that he was making. For a fact, I knew he was sitting up staring at my back.

I rolled back over so I was looking up at the white ceiling, the architect in this house was beautiful. "You had issues committing to Sakura-san, committing to your team, committing to your family, committing to a healthy mental state." I looked over to Sasuke with the biggest grin, "Should I continue?" A giggle escaped my lips as I watched his face fall.

"You're making me regret adopting you." Sasuke sneered, he threw the blankets off of his body. He stalked over to the balcony of our room and slammed the door shut. By the way, he was acting. I knew he was in his emo phase right now. We'd have to give him a few minutes to come around.

"Kato!" My neck broke as I looked in the direction of my name being called. Sakura-san sweet voice ranged through my ears, I jumped from the bed nearly falling on my face. She was standing near the door with a bag in her hand, she held out her hand towards me. "Would you like to come to the market with me?"

My eyes lit up, I nodded my head viciously before taking off back into the room. Sasuke-san was still on the balcony, through the blinds I could see him reading some type of scroll. I'll be reading that once he goes to sleep, I have a habit of sticking my nose where it does not belong. Curiosity always killed the bird...or was it the cat? I can't honestly remember how it was supposed to go but it was something in that category.

The door to my room opened, it was Sakura-san standing at the door with a smaller bag. "Curiosity killed the cat, Kato." She had caught me spying on Sasuke-san, She smiled while handing me the bag.

Currently, I was struggling to put my shorts on, "But satisfaction brought it back." I winked at Sakura-san, which she only laughed at. My mom would always say that whenever I would stalk her when she went out.

"Leave Sasuke alone, you know how he gets when you're in his personal space."

"Naruto said that you don't get any personal space when you get married or have kids. They're always a pain in your butt so, therefore, Sasuke-nii chan has to get over it."

Sakura-san squinted her eyes, that weird vein in her forehead popped out."Really? When did Naruto say this?"

"Yesterday, he also said that when you get a wife that they never shut up when you're trying to go to sleep." I casually said, I grabbed the bag from her hand and walked out of the door. My shoes were placed perfectly at the door, usually, I'd just take them off and throw them across the room. I get excited to play outside so when I get home I toss my shoes to the side.

I sat patiently at the door waiting for Sakura, she was taking longer than usual. I thought she was behind me but in reality, she walked back to her room. I was generally confused as to why Naruto-nii chan was screaming, it was more of a terrifying scream like someone was threatening his life. You'd casually hear it whenever Saukura-san was around. He kept screaming which was odd, that man was so scary.

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