Twenty Four

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A/N: I rewrote this chapter six times and I still don't like it. But I have to give you guys something so I picked the best one and decided to post it! Sorry for making you guys wait weeks for it!

Shikamaru POV

Ino's head fell perfectly on my neck. She hasn't moved from this spot since we made it to her parent's house. The tears she cried from our home to her parents could fill an ocean. My parents were out of town visiting my mom's family so we were stuck with Ino's. My dad on the other hand was informed about the situation. I told him to stay in place until we figured things out. The last thing I needed was for them to get caught up in this mess. The situation already started to go downhill when he touched Shikadai.

There he was lying to the left of me. He was innocent, yet he will still be pulled into this war.

"I'm sorry little man. Daddy won't let that happen again." I admired him for a while. I haven't taken my eyes off of him since we came into the house. Usually, I was against him sleeping in the bed with us. Now I'm adamant about it. He slept right next to me. If I were, to be honest with myself I haven't slept in 24 hours. I stayed up all night watching over Ino and the baby.

Last night we checked every inch of his body to make sure nothing happened to him, however that does not mean that there could be a curse or something internally wrong with him. I would have to get Sakura to check him out.

"Breakfast is ready." Ino's mother chimed.

Ino was finally awake after I harshly shook her awake. 'And I was a heavy sleeper?'

Ino fed Shikadai from a bottle since she couldn't produce milk right now. We had to use the breast milk she saved in her parent's fridge. Last night must have really taken a toll on her.

I didn't say anything, I knew she wanted an excuse to hold him longer in her arms. I'm surprised that she was actually awake. Last night she would wake up out of her sleep in a cold sweat looking for either me or Shikadai. It reminded me of the time when Asuma-sensei died. I had to sleep by her side every night to make sure that she was okay. She would wake up just to cry in my chest. I would have to rock her back to sleep or stay up with her until the sun rose over the horizon. I was with her supporting her even though I was in another...fling with another woman. That's a different story for a different book.

After Ino finished feeding Shikadai we grabbed breakfast and left for the hospital. I had to practically drag out of the house. She wanted to stay with Shikadai but we had other business to handle.

A few arguments later Ino allowed me to smoke one cigarette on the way there. It surprised me that she knew I was back to my old habits. I didn't complain about it, I just inhaled my now enlightened cigarette.

I coughed and waved one hand over my face, to clear the cigarette smoke. It caused Ino to smile, it was the first smile I got since last night.

I smirked, my dangled hand soon found hers in the crowd of people."What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing, I just think it's funny how you almost choked on a cigarette."

"I choked on the smoke, not the actual thing." I shot back, a heartfelt laugh escaping from her lips. There was a funny feeling in my chest. Was it butterflies? We were making progress slowly but surely.

"You know what I mean Shika...I have a question for you smartass." Her soft voice rang throughout my ears. I haven't heard Ino speak this soft in months. It almost felt...relaxing.

"I have an answer for you woman."

"Do you think that Shikadai and I should leave the village after this? I think it would be a good idea for him and me to go where your parents are."

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