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Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Kato walked into Sakura's office while Naruto stood back leaning against the frame. This would be the first time he has spoken to Sakura since their accident. Kato ran back to his chair grabbing a bag of chips on the way. Sakura walked past Kato grabbing the chip that he was opening. He tried to protest, whining trying to grab his chips back. Sakura eyed him before tossing the chips into the trash.

"You just had an ice cream bar, Kato, I'm going to buy you some real food so you can stay off that sugar high of yours."

Shikamaru eyed Sakura as she spoke to Kato. Curiosity got the best of him when he realized Kato wasn't with his mother. "Why isn't he with Akane?"

Sakura mentally groaned, for a second she forgot that Akane had tested positive for tuberculous. She motioned for everyone to sit down across from her desk. She grabbed the file from her desk opening it for everyone to see.

"Akane has tested positive for tuberculous, there's a chance that she has infected most of the staff."

Shikamaru took the file from Sakura's hand rereading the test results. "Are you serious? Have you been tested yet Sakura?"

"No I haven't and yet we all need to be tested. Including you Mr. Scary Pants." Sakura pointed her finger across the rom to the blonde.

Sakura smiled sweetly at Naruto. He laughed lightly at her joke, he made himself walk further into the office. It's safe to say that everything that has happened yesterday is now in the past and that's how they're going to keep it.

"I'm not getting any blood drawn. That's a big no from me Sakura-chan." Naruto walked over to her desking sitting next to Kato. He placed his arms on the desk staring into her green eyes.

Sakura laughed, "You can either get something injected into you or we draw blood. You have until tomorrow to think about it, Mr. Uzumaki."

Kato raised his hand from his seat. Sakura glanced over to the young boy nodding her head as she did. "Yes, Kato?"

"Do I have to get blood drawn too Sakura-san?"

"No we're not going to draw any blood from you, we have a special way to get blood from you."

Sakura smiled at Kato, he gave her a big thumbs up then went back to drawing on a folder. Naruto glared at her, he was back to his childish antics. Sakura didn't give him time to even protest. She held up her hand making him stop.

"Naruto you're a grown adult. There is no way in hell I'm going to let you get a special way. With that being said I actually need to speak to Naruto alone so if you guys could please excuse us."

Shikamaru didn't hesitate at all,he walked to Sakura's desk handing her another mailla folder that he intended to girl her in the first place. "This is all you need to know about our next mission if we decide to go. There's also more information that our men have found about their home."

"Thank you, Shikamaru. Say hello to Ino and the baby for me."

"Will do, I'll catch you guys later."

Before he left he gave Kato a fist pump. He left without saying another word. Naruto eyed Sasuke who was about to leave. Sasuke looked at Naruto as if he was ready to kill him.

"No, I refuse to be his babysitter for you. I have better things to do than watch the brat."

Kato stood out of his seat. He marched his way to Sasuke pointing his finger harshly. "Hey! I'm not a brat!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, he bent down to his level then have him a harsh flick on the forehead. Kato stumbles back a few times before he regains his balance. He ran back to Sasuke trying to kick him. Sasuke only grabbed his foot pulling up in the air watching him dangle.

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