Holiday (under editing)

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When we got back to the apartment i ended up going out to buy some food, as we didnt have much left and George was coming over for dinner. I walked down the road alone.

When i was with John i forgot about the pain of my life. My parents were killed when i was young and i got adopted into a foster family but they didnt care for me. They abused me and treated me like i had no place in life. If John knew how much his music helped me through it our relationship would be even closer. The joy he brought me helped me forget about that and the fact i never want to go back. If i could change history again i would save my parents so non of it ever happened.

I bought a whole load of food as i didnt know how much George really eats. On the way back i felt myself being followed. I tried to cut through Central Park to try and loose them but i didnt. Then thye lept for me. It was Chapman.

"Why are you trying to stop me?" Chapman asked

"Because im from the future and i know what happens" I replied "You end up in jail for 40 odd years and begin to regret youre desicion. I know why you do it, you want to be famous but listen here buddy, its not the right way to go about it"

Chapman didnt say anything as he kept me pinned to the grass. Then he pulled out a knife. In a moment of panic I let it graze against my hand, drawing blood. I noticed a familiar face from across the park.

"RINGO" I yelled for help

Ringo spun round to face the commotion. He set off running for us. He lept at Chapman and tackled him to the ground. I grabbed hold of the bloodied knife and tried to go for him, almost stabbing Ringo in the process. Ringo managed to get free before helping me up.

In walked George. George went to find some food to eat. He found a packet of buiscits, only letting me and Ringo have one each.

"Hey i bought them" I moaned trying to grab another one

George kept them as far away from me as he could before passing me half a broken buiscit. I tried to reach for the packet but just as i did the door opened. John came walking in just as my chair tumbled over knocking Georges over. I ended up laying on top of him in such a way i couldnt get up. John came over and helped me up as Ringo was laughing too much.

"What even happened?" John asked

"George wouldnt give me any biscuits after i bought them" I replied beginning to sulk

"I saved youre life" George said "I deserve a reward"

"Actually Ringo did you werent there" I defended

"What?" John asked

"Nothing" me, Ringo and George replied

John then dug into his pocket and pulled out an envelope.

"Open this" John said handing it to me "Its a little surprise"

I tore it open before looking inside. I pulled out two plane tickets followed by a picture. I looked at the tickets. Paris. My heart skipped a beat as i looked to John who was smiling.

"Are we...?" I began not being able to get words out

"Yeah" John replied

I dropped the tickets and threw my arms around him. I was going to Paris with the one person in the world i love more then my dog. I didnt even look at the picture but i presumed it was of the hotel. I didnt care about the hotel though, i would be with John and thats all that mattered. Me and the love of my life in the city of love. I could just picture us stood under the Eiffel Tower, hand in hand. It was somewhere where Chapman couldnt get to us.

I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pocket telling me its there. I quickly checked it. Lucy had sent me the video from yesterday. As John went to go make dinner Ringo left. Me and George went to set the table as he kept snacking on the buiscuits.

"George youre going to ruin youre appetite" I said snatching the packet from him

George began throwing a tantrum as i took the biscuits into the kitchen. George followed me crying like a five year old.

"George Harrison the five year old ladies and gentlemen" John muttered making me laugh and George punch him in the back "Geo be careful i have a pan of hot food here and im not afraid to use it"

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