Chapter 15 - Elvira

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If there was any information to be found about where not to go, it had to be in a shady, dim-lit bar. And in this town, the coven seemed to be the place you'd want to avoid the most. I had to be careful, though. An unarmed woman asking for a coven could easily be taken for a witch, and I didn't need to get even more acquainted with witch trials.

I kept my hood up as I slid some coins over to the bartender.

"What are you trying to buy?"


"I can't recall being charged per word."

"The money isn't for the information. It's for you forgetting afterward."

"Sounds like a deal."

"I heard there's a witch coven nearby."

The bartender swept his gaze across the room. "No good comes from speaking of that." There weren't many other patrons, and certainly not enough other voices to drown out mine, leaving my words uncovered for anyone to eavesdrop on.

"They have something I need. Or someone, rather."

"No one is worth chasing after into those woods. No one comes out alive. Whoever you're looking for is probably dead already."

"I'd like to find out by myself."

"If you insist." He shook his head. "Start following the merchant's trail. The path splits. Choose the road that no one with a right mind would follow. Survive until you reach the end. Although, if you're really looking for witches, you might as well keep yourself out in the open. They're always scavenging around."

"Any tips on how to get past them?"

"Die, perhaps. We never find any of the bodies back, so they must take them with them."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"At least you're immune to their seductive magic. Men are powerless."

"I've been told there's no such thing as a love spell. That there's no magic involved in seducing  men."

He scoffed. "Nonsense."

"Very well. I have what I need." I got up. "Thank you for the information."

"What information?" He patted the pocket that now contained my money.

I nodded and walked out.

By the time I set off down the road, darkness had fallen. I must have looked like someone out for trouble, moving through the dark, keeping my hood up. Luckily, there was no one around for me to look suspicious to. No one else was crazy enough to follow in my footsteps.

It was a full moon, which was the only reason I could distinguish the trail. Still, I had to be careful not to trip. The forest closed me in, swallowed me up as I moved to what might very well be my final destination.

The road split off into a muddy and uneven path, without any hint of cart trails or even horse prints. A sign was put up and I had to move closer to make it out in the darkness.


That was as clear a sign I needed. I followed the new path until it ended and only forest remained. . I moved through the trees, avoiding making noise as much as I could.

I crossed a stream and a castle came into view. It was old and partly collapsed. But smoke rose, no doubt from fires. I wasn't alone anymore.

I reached the castle wall. Beyond it lay a lawn, the castle's entrance behind it. Scattered stones served as chairs, tables, and whatnot. Witches sat by smoldering fires, many of them asleep already. I observed them for a while, trying to get a sense of the castle.  A few times someone moved behind one of the castle windows, but most of the activity was in the lawn. That didn't mean that no one was inside the castle; they might just be asleep.

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