Chapter 16 - Malise

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It was absolutely insane. Defying Mother Zaleria was one thing, leaving her coven was a game not played - or won - by anyone with a right mind. Yet here I was, crossing the hallways of the castle, one clear goal in mind.

There'd be no going back after this. By the time the sun rose, this would no longer be my home.

I'd expected to feel at least some sadness. Instead, I was only focused on one thing: reaching the dungeons.

I entered the dark corridors. No one liked to be here, so there weren't any witches for me to run into. There was only one waiting on a chair by Asha's cell. 

"I'm here to relieve you," I said.

"Ah, finally." She got up and stretched. "She's a real bore, this one. Won't talk back no matter what you say."

"Maybe I can get a nap in, then."

"Don't let Mother Zaleria hear." She handed me the key and walked away.

I waited until the door to the dungeons had opened and closed before unlocking the cell door.

"What do you want?" Asha asked.

"Your sister's here. She's here to get you out."

She jumped up. "Elvira's here?"

"Yes. Come on, let's get you out of here. But be very quiet and do as I say."

She nodded and stepped out of the cell.

"We have to make sure no one sees us. Stay close behind me and be ready to hide at any moment."

I led her out of the dungeon, into the silent hallways. Not many would be awake at this time, but we couldn't risk running into anyone. I made sure to avoid the most common sleeping areas, and the places where anyone who couldn't sleep went. When I was sure we were truly alone, we picked up the pace. The longer we were inside the castle, the bigger the odds of getting spotted.

Footsteps approached from around the corner. I pulled Asha along behind a pillar, gesturing for her to be very, very quiet. Only once the last of the sounds had died off did I urge Asha to continue.

We crossed the castle, to the most quiet exit I knew. Elvira would be waiting there, hidden in the forest. In just a few moments, we'd be out, free, never to return. My heartbeat sped up as I opened the door.

We'd made it.

I helped Asha climb over the castle wall and I took her arm, pulling her along into the woods. 

But when I reached the meeting spot, there was no one there.

"Elvira?" I whispered, not daring to raise my voice. We weren't safe yet. 

"Where is she?" Asha asked.

"I don't know." I looked around. "Maybe I got the place wrong." I moved a bit further, not sure where else to look. "Maybe she had to hide," I said, more hopeful than I felt.

"What if they caught her?" Asha looked back at the castle.

"I'll go look. Stay here. Find a place to hide and don't come out until you see us." I didn't wait for a response before I ran back to the castle. Once there, I slowed my pace, trying not to draw any attention.

"That took you long enough."

I turned around, but didn't get a chance to see who was behind me before everything went dark.


I knew my hands were tied up before I'd even opened my eyes. I also knew I was laying on the floor. And judging by the softness of the carpet, I could only be in one room.

I forced my eyes to open, but wasn't surprised by what I saw.

"Ah, you're awake," Mother Zaleria said from behind her desk. "Finally."

In front of the desk, on her knees, was Asha. Two witches flanked her. Estelle and another witch were next to me, and two more witches stood by Elvira, who was on the other side of the room.

She was still alive.

I let out a breath of relief. But I couldn't celebrate yet.

I groaned and sat up. Elvira looked at me, her eyes scared - but not defeated. 

"I think it's no secret how important my children are to me," Mother Zaleria said. "You are my whole life. Can you imagine my pain, then, at being betrayed like this?"

I didn't respond; there was nothing left to say.

"I trusted you, Malise. I gave you another chance even after you failed. I allowed you to be part of our family. And now look what you've done. How you've destroyed everything you've built."

"I don't serve you anymore," I said between clenched teeth.

"What have I ever done to you to deserve such hurtful words?" The pain in her voice was fake. It had always been. I'd always known it, too. Difference was, I wasn't falling for it anymore.

"It's time for me to leave here," I said. "But I think you knew that already."

"Well, I did give you a chance to prove that you're not as stupid as I thought. Clearly, I was wrong."

She stood up and walked around her desk, to Asha.

"If you touch her...!" Elvira spat. 

"Oh, looks like the human is as stupid as you are. You deserve each other, I suppose." She stroked Asha's cheek with her finger. I couldn't see her face. Elvira trashed, held back by the two witches.

"I can be reasonable," Mother Zaleria continued. "I'll give you a chance to make the right choice. Tell me, child, who do you want to be with? Your own kind, which will love you and protect you? Or the human who will lead you to your death."

"Malise, go with them."


"Please. Choose your own safety. Go with them."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm a witch..."

"Don't apologize, Malise. Only guilty people do. Stay safe. We'll always love you."

Asha couldn't stay here. It would be another way of dying.

"I'm staying with my sister," she said. "I don't want to live here."

"You choose to leave?"

"I do."

"Mm. Such a shame." She walked back to the other side of the desk. "Kill the human."

"No!" Asha screamed even before I could. 

I jumped up. Estelle tried to grab me but I fled from her grasp. I fell to my knees in front of Elvira, not knowing what else to do than to shield her with my own body. 

"You, protecting the human?" Mother Zaleria taunted. "I knew you were difficult, but I didn't think you'd sink this low."

"Malise, look at me," Elvira whispered.

I turned around to her. Mother Zaleria didn't have the patience for slow deaths, so whatever was about to follow, would be quick. For us both. "I love you," I said, and they were the truest words I had spoken in a long time.

She kissed me, and I didn't care that they could all see us. I tried not to care that it would be the last time. All that mattered, was now.

Her tied hands found mine and she held onto them tightly.

But there was also something else in the palm of my hand. A clay-like substance.

"It's time we get out of here, don't you think?" she whispered. 

"Let's end this before it gets any more disgusting," Mother Zaleria said.

Yes. Let's end this.

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